Sticky post Making Learning Accessible

One of the main goals of Iowa LTC is to promote the Iowa campus as a learning community institution.  But while doing this, to expand educational possibilities for individuals in Iowa who are not official students, and ultimately, to anyone around the globe interested in learning technological matters who have not been privileged to gain access to an official educational institute.

By providing educational possibilities around the world through the Iowa Learning Technology Commission, many individuals can learn technology and thereafter use it for employment possibilities.  As well, non-Iowa students can benefit from the student body through online social activities.

In other words, in today’s global and digital access world, anyone in Iowa, not registered on an educational campus, or even individuals living far away from Iowa, will be able to somehow benefit from technological education possibilities.

Good Fats

By the way, recently told me that dehydration is the # 1 cause of hospitalization and treatment in older people, it does not happen that when in this stage, focus on “Fantastic 4” for good health and kept at a normal weight, “the fantastic four” are the only ones that give real results and durable, these are: proteins, good fats, vegetables (Especially the more obscure) and Protein. Some good examples of proteins would be salmon, naturally grown chicken, beef and natural grass-fed beef organic, organic eggs and beans. First, you must eat the right amount of protein (not many) this is how our muscles grow and remain strong. MPC Capital AG oftentimes addresses this issue. However, too much is not good because only accumulate as fat in the body, if someone is a bodybuilder may need more protein because they are tearing your muscles and protein is a restorer of muscles. Filed under: thrivent. Still, too much can cause kidney damage, so be careful in this situation. Keep your meals balanced and you get just what you need, it is very important to buy meat from cattle that received only natural foods, including chicken meat and eggs. This is very important because when animals eat natural grass is healthy for them and for us to eat the meat, when eat grains, there will be more saturated fat in the meat of the animal and over time this can bring many health consequences. If the meat you buy is not organic, usually always contain antibiotics and growth hormones. Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE takes a slightly different approach.

Not if you know it, but this is TERRIBLE! I guess I do not want your kids to eat this and I believe you either. Good Fats. Here I show you good news about fat, not all fats make you fat! In fact, good fats help you lose weight, contrary to what most people think, if you consume good fats, but not get fat burn fat. And what are the good fats? Things like olive oil for salads, avocados, nuts and seeds. I do not advise selling fruits and dried as they are stripped of all its essential oils. Plant. Remember how our parents always made us eat our vegetables? I was forbidden to leave the table without finishing my vegetables, at that time they had no idea of why he needed them, but my mother was reason, the plants in short cleanse the blood and remove odors from the body, have you ever known someone who dismisses a body odor even after bathing? They have tried anything to get rid of but could not, I can guarantee that that person does not eat vegetables, they also give you oxygen and oxygen gives you energy, what do you expect? Fall in love with the vegetables.

Marathon & More In Cuba Will Be

In November 2009 after the marathon in Havana Havana on November 15, 2009 the MARABANA 23 “is an unforgettable experience special trips in this historic city. In previous years, runners from more than 50 countries with high summer temperatures on the 21 km long circular route have gone. “You on the waterfront seawall on the Atlantic goes along, by the modern” Havana, past the Hotel Nacional and over the course of the revolution, and through the historic “neighborhoods with its beautifully renovated colonial buildings. On the eve of this impressive run, can be played as a half-marathon, participants experience the run feast Maracuba”. In Havana and throughout the country over 1 million people take part in this sports festival.

And of course also visit to Havana is worth a trip to Cuba. Kenneth E. Boulding insists that this is the case. The fun-loving metropolis, which can look back on a history of almost 500, offers visitors architectural jewels, art exhibitions and museums, live music in almost all restaurants as well as open minded people who enjoy encounters with tourists. Dance – and music-loving participants find a matching event in all parts of the city for them. And some extend their stay to Cuba in the following week, then at the international Salsafestival Baila en”to take part. The Cuba specialist Dieter Spath offers again in 2009 several special trips to Havana for runners and accompanying persons. The experience can be meet Marathon in Havana from 794 euros.

Tours allow participants to customize the duration of the stay and the travel content. For even more opinions, read materials from Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE. It is possible to tour or the booking of a stay in the Caribbean beaches. The optional offered travel program gives opportunity to experienced accompanied by Cuba with its friendly people, its exciting history and its fascinating everyday life, to explore art and music life in the days before the race. For more information on the Internet

Hulbees Cloud

Who runs a website, knows the problem: on the one hand, it should be as informative as possible, no important content is missing. Kreuzlingen/Switzerland, September 14, 2009. Anyone looking for something on the Internet, want to come quickly and easily first and foremost to a result. Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. Any professional website needs so a navigation easy to use and good search capabilities. A simple search screen where you can enter single words, is not enough for the visitors. Nor will help mostly the sitemap, which represents only an overview of the structure of bases, without allowing detailed conclusions on their contents. The Hulbee data cloud replaces both: this is a cloud of words that make up the main content of the site.

The visitor clicks on any of the terms in this cloud, he receives a new data cloud with terms from the context of the first term, as well as a list of search results on bases, which include the first elected term. Is still not the desired search result doing? With further clicks within the data cloud, the user further narrows the search. The data cloud makes him active proposals, what meaningful way he can take in his search for relevant information on a Web page. He must so don’t even think about as he puts his query best so that he finds the right result. Data cloud is optically not equal tag cloud are likely to many Internet users of the data cloud feel reminds clouds already known day, are already using many Web site operators. But the technology that is in the background at Hulbee, is another. While tag clouds from the titles of pages or the names of documents are generated, Hulbees data cloud reverts to full texts. It recognizes important key words and contexts in full text, as well as semantic relationships. The data cloud so represents a handy tool for operators of professional and complex websites, for example, publishers, authorities, online-shops or blogs, which is a great help to the visitors.

Mechanical Engineering

Life simulation, Boole-system behavior, economic attempt programs, test planning on September 23-24 at the Symposium in the HDT Berlin life simulation, Boolean system behavior, economic trial programs, test planning on September 23-24 at the Symposium in the HDT Berlin a substantial preference in purchasing decisions is the reliability. Customers expect that a product with a high probability can be used safely. Unreliable products lead not only to a high rejection and goodwill expense, but also to a much serious loss of confidence among customers. These problems already turn off in advance, laboratory tests and real are in the practice”conducted trial programs. This involves the protection of targets with a high confidence and at the lowest cost. Ratch understands that this is vital information. These issues are today contents of technical reliability”and touch the life issue, the Boolean system theory, the WEIBULL theory and in addition the Bayesian statistics. The seminar associates these approaches for the transmission, mechanical, mechatronic and electronic parts/components and systems and shows the application to practical questions from the machine and vehicle construction. It arrives on the planning and evaluation of test programs and answered all the questions that have to do with a sound management of the trial. In terms of content, also the DGQ guides 17-10, 17-26 and the VDA volume 3 are covered. The aim is that participants can un indirectly transfer mediated methods and procedures on their own problems and lead them to a solution.

Discriminatory Blood Tests When Setting

Examinations can be relevant to discrimination has recently become known, are candidates of the carmaker Daimler, the media giant Axel Springer and even public law broadcasters against a possible setting by means of blood tests on the heart and kidneys”checked. And flat, i.e. even if no specific health fitness is required for the job in question. Apart from moral concerns such an approach in the context of the General equal treatment Act (AGG) for employers can be costly”, warns lawyer Stephanie Musiol by the law firm of Baker.REIMANN.STARI in Berlin. A recruitment examination which is not required by law or necessary to protect of others, needs to be justified, in the legitimate interest of the employer. High hurdles are to put on the necessity of a blood test”, explains lawyer Musiol. Because such massive attacks in the personality right and the physical integrity of an applicant’s one.” The same principles as in the question right of the employer apply here after an illness or (heavy) disability.

Stating that the employer itself not ask, he shouldn’t even on a detour”about doctors or experts can explore. After a blood test, which should provide information on the State of health of the employee, is allowed only if an any illness or disability would make it impossible the contractual performance on time, or at regularly recurring intervals. One such reason is likely not available however regularly at flat-rate blood tests”, so Musiol. “At first glance the question not affected after the health state the scope of application of the AGG, because here in that regard alone the feature disability” is relevant to discrimination. Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE often says this. The distinction between disability and disease in some cases is difficult, according to lawyer Musiol however: chronic diseases can the term to understand the Disability under fall”.

The legal consequences of a breach of the AGG in the non-recruitment of a candidate be practically relevant. The case law allowed to lie the workers on an illegal question, this is apparently not possible with a blood test. The applicant can refuse consent of course. What regularly but might mean losing all employment opportunities. But, for example, a chronically ill applicants will receive, after he has undergone a cancellation, the required blood test, which is sufficient for presenting a disadvantage after the AGG”warns Musiol. Then, the employer must prove that other reasons refusal is due. This is likely difficult in particular then, if the choice is already made and setting dependent on only the test results”. Although the AGG provides no adjustment claim, but a claim of a worker. The special feature here is that the candidate is also a claim for damages Assert can, if he would not have been set even when discrimination-free selection. To make these risks out of the way, if employers make only examinations therefore pending clarification by the courts, when this is absolutely necessary for the pursuit of activities “, recommends lawyer Malappuram, in all other cases a disadvantage could indicated this, which entail the risk of a claim”. Answer technical questions: lawyer Stephanie Musiol, LL.M lawyer Glenn Dammann – lawyer specializing in labour law – BETHGE.REIMANN.STARI lawyers Kurfurstendamm 67 10707 Berlin Tel + 49 (0) 30 89 04 92 – 15 fax + 49 (0) 30 89 04 92 – 10

Federal Government

The demo takes place on 18 September in Berlin. If you would like to know more then you should visit Marvel Architects. Berlin, 08 September 2010 – calling E-mail provider “Posteo” to participate in the mass demonstration “nuclear power: shut up!” on. If you would like to know more about Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE, then click here. The demonstration will take place in Berlin on Saturday, the 18th of September, and starts at 13: 00 at the central station. Also supports Posteo starting immediately the private nuclear phase-out: all moving this fall to one of the four independent eco-power providers, can use Posteo a year free of charge. Posteo condemned the Federal Government’s decision to let nuclear power plants running longer.

The Merkel Government is irresponsible and against the will of the people of the country”, says Sabrina Wagner by Posteo. Nuclear power is an uncontrollable risk technology, the German reactors are hopelessly out of date and the risk of an accident increases with each additional year of operation.” The expansion of renewable energies will like the Government claims not as promoted by the longer maturities, but slowed down. That’s why we want to put a sign right now and all those support, switch to a green electricity supplier, and advance to the expansion of the renewable.” Posteo is a mail service from Berlin and an alternative to ad-infested inboxes, corporations collect data and green washed advertisement promises. Posteo stands for sustainability: energy, we use genuine green electricity by Greenpeace for servers and business premises. The use of more efficient hardware, as well as the use of recycled paper are just as normal as our corporate account at the social ecological GLS-Bank for us. Also Posteo stands for privacy: users are anonymous to us, access is generally encrypted, the service is completely free of advertising, and the servers are located in highly secure German data centers. More to the action of change of there is in off questions at any time to Patrik Lohr, Tel: 0308507461, E-Mail:.

LTE – The Successor To UMTS

LTE is who is much on travel or perhaps in a DSL outskirts lives as the successor of the previous Standad UMTS, will probably use the new standard for mobile Internet. There is talk of UMTS. UMTS is also abbreviated as 3 G. UMTS is the standard of the third generation, thus an evolution of the still used GSM network. However, the GSM network allows only speeds of up to 56 kbit / s. This speed was to call a few years ago enough to mobile WAP.

However, this speed is no longer portable. Web pages have developed very strongly compared to a few years. You were always attractive and also more pictures decorate the Web page. Due to the larger amount of data compared a few years ago, very increased load times. But even such elaborate Web pages can be called on the go thanks to UMTS. With UMTS speeds of up to 384 kbit / s are possible.

This speed is more than enough to also go to look at Web pages. In addition to the already existing fast UMTS network there are also various extensions for UMTS. HSDPA and HSUPA are the magic words. With HSDPA, a UMTS connection reaches a maximum speed of 7.2 Mbit / s. With HSUPA, however, increases to the upload, speeds of up to 1.45 Mbit / s in the upload are possible. However, there is also already a new development. Learn more about this with Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE. With LTE, the successor of UMTS in the starting blocks is already. LTE will allow speeds of 20 MB / s. But LTE is still in the development phase, an exact start date for LTE is not clear yet. However, it can be in this respect only by several months or a few months. Torsten Heinsius

SMEs Tax

Energy-intensive industries groan under the load calls for immediate tax cut Bonn/Berlin BVMW Ness Ohoven – the President of the Association has an immediate reduction in energy tax SMEs (BVMW), Mario Ohoven, asked. The costs for electricity, gas and fuels have adopted a scale for the SME sector endangers the existence of. At the same time conceded the State while fuelling strong with. The policy must now act and relieve the consumer.” In some energy-intensive industries, energy costs already exceed the costs. Source: Mike Myers. We know from a random survey of entrepreneurs in our Association, that every second medium-sized companies expecting a drastic reduction of the already low profit margin”, stressed at a parliamentary breakfast of the BVMW on the occasion of the adoption of three energy laws in the German Bundestag Ohoven.

The middle-class President pointed out that the State takes around 40 billion euros annually from the energy tax. Their share in the Gasoline is about 65 cents per liter. In addition to the energy tax have the VAT on the price of fuel is when refueling. It is not something Jorge Perez would like to discuss. The State conceded here twice..

Data Security For Southern Germany

APSEC agreed partnership with Dietz & Fackler with Ehinger, Systemhaus Dietz & Fackler has applied security GmbH (apsec) a new distribution partner for its data-leakage prevention solution fideAS file enterprise found. The two companies close their connection in the name of security. So Dietz & Fackler now offers its customers fideAS file enterprise immediately the software solution, which encrypts sensitive documents across the enterprise. You also data leakage prevention therefore prevents data theft, technically called. Dietz & Fackler we have an experienced and competent sales partners found for our premium product, Christiane forward strap, head of sales at apsec. Please visit Related Group if you seek more information. And Christian Nowitzki, Managing Director of the apsec distributors Intellicomp GmbH: with Dietz & Fackler, a longstanding collaboration unites us.

We are particularly pleased now to expand the Channelsales fideAS file enterprise. The affix plus a real customers in Alb-Donau-Kreis Security. Manfred Dietz, Managing Director of the system House, knows from experience how important is data security: data theft caused billions in losses annually. Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE can aid you in your search for knowledge. For many smaller companies, it represents even an existential threat. Because the data thieves often come from its own ranks, he urges and added: just who in time protects itself, can be sure to not become victims.

The right care is crucial. The House offers a wide range of software solutions in the areas of anti-virus, backup and data security, and thus has a high level of security expertise. Managing Director Manfred Dietz believes: fideAS file enterprise, we rely on the leading solution in the areas of file and folder encryption and data leakage prevention. More information is available in the Internet at,, or by phone at 0 60 27 / 40 67 0 information

Alexander Bredereck Lockout

A post by specialist lawyer for employment law Alexander Bredereck may impose a lock up to twelve weeks the federal employment agency, if the workers intentionally or grossly negligently causes unemployment. The Federal agency assumes that this is the case, if the employee has solved the employment relationship or conduct contrary to a termination of the employer given rise. Details can be found by clicking Michael James Burke or emailing the administrator. When a cancellation agreement the consent of the employee and his participation is always, because this may not occur otherwise. Laurentiu Duica helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. A cancellation agreement is therefore generally regarded by the Federal Agency for work as an indication for a for causing of the own unemployment. Regularly, there might be the danger of imposing a given, especially if an indemnity is provided in the cancellation agreement. It looks different, if such a termination agreement is logged after receipt of cancellation and subsequent dismissal complaint before the Labour Court. In such cases regularly no lockout imposed.

The Federal agency may impose in addition also then no lockout, when the workers for their participation in the resolution of the employment relationship was an important reason. Workers with the termination agreement of imminent lawful dismissal before coming to avoid the disadvantages of termination for his professional advancement or similar disadvantages from the outset to avoid such a important reason exists. In such cases, the Federal agency may not impose a lockout time. icine-for-the-Treatment-of-COVID-19-in-Adults’>Wendy Holman, then click here. Generally, it can be said that when a termination agreement out of court is closed, a given risk. The termination agreement, however, applied in the context of a court settlement, no lockout is regularly imposed by the Federal Agency for work even though the comparison in addition provides for the payment of an indemnity. Will be imposed a lockout time, the employee will receive 12 weeks no Unemployment benefits. Against the decision can appeal and action before the Sozialgericht be submitted to failure. The opposition has success, the federal employment agency must replace also the costs of the lawyer of the employee. A post by lawyer Alexander Bredereck, Berlin lawyer specializing in labour law