In this to think the condition of the deaf person is atrelada to the pathology, to ineptitude for the learning, to the intelligence lack. The opposite to this perspective, Santana (2007, p.15) says that ' ' the auditory deficit does not compromise the cognition, since that the person with deafness has an active and participativa social life, in this condition its functions (reverse speed) is organized inside of a context partner-description, where he is inserido' '. It is understood, with this, that is of utmost importance the understanding of that a school that takes care of deaf pupils and/or with other especificidades necessary to commit itself to the variety compose who it, having as paradigm a pedagogical performance that defends the heterogeneidade and an education of good quality, has seen that this is one ' ' right of todos' ' without distinction. In such a way, what one intends to emphasize in the quarrel is the importance to offer the deaf people, Special Schools or specialized attendance, in the first years of the escolarizao, for the fact of if understanding that these are, par excellence, spaces of interaction of the deaf people with its pairs, and thus, certainly will have a bigger incentive to the culture, the language, the construction of the deaf identities. The Special School, in this reasoning, is that it will make the true inclusion in the partner-educational scope, therefore in its interior the quarrels more will be come back toward the specific field of the deafness. Agreement believes with Lacerda (2000) that the involved actors in this educational space are more apt to understand the deafness as a linguistic difference that will have to be respected, something that in fact little occurs in the said schools inclusive. From these estimated the problem is distinguished that if constitutes in guide for the reach of the objectives of this study: Because the Special School for the attendance to the deaf pupil is considered more adequate? In the direction of this investigation they will be proportionate excellent quarrels on the subject, which will go to guide the analysis to more arrive the possible conclusions concerning the indicated educational attendance for education of pupils with deafness.