Month: February 2015

Specialist Teaching

Indicators of achievement of this step Branch of the past from this often involves a process of gradually developing the ability to recognize and prevent the occurrence again of the same reaction. It appears opportunity to acknowledge that what he feels may be related to its abuse. He can begin to identify situations in which he said feelings, and which were clearly related to the lived through abuse. He begins to realize that before him there is a choice. He can look back after he did something, and try to clarify the situation. He is able at the right time to separate their feelings from the past and make adjustments in developments occurring in the present. Methods Review of the events in detail and assisting him in the analysis of this event, seeing inconsistencies inconsistency his ratings. Carrying out work on the feelings of the group.

The ability to see the abuse in an emotional light helps separate this experience and to avoid permanent display at the moment. Consolidation of learning real test of any therapy is the ability to the client to change his daily life, adaptation, self-reliance in implementing these changes. He eventually grows to need therapeutic support and seeking support in his everyday world. Abuse of this moment begins to recede into the background, and the more recent events of great importance. These events are often aimed at gaining independence and self-actualization. Indicators achieve this step, he saw adult who can help him overcome the emerging children's feelings. Willingness and desire to help others, carrying out one or another volunteer. It can confront his abuser in a specific way if the abuser is, generally, can be found.

He knows that he has needs, and he can not satisfy them sexually. He gained support system that includes male friends. Compulsive behavior is under his control. Methods Find some way so that he could truly come into confrontation with their abuser. This may be writing and Sending letters, phone call or personal meeting. His desire to implement it – is a big step forward. Holding therapy session with his family parents can be useful for rooting of changes that He succeeded. If there is an opportunity to speak before an audience safe, it will allow him to strengthen confidence and reduce his sense of shame. Tell him 'Good-bye'. Translated into Russian, with permission, available at address: (MaleSurvior) 27.01.07. Translation: Alex Burnakov Peter Dimock – Specialist Teaching at the Faculty of Social Work at the University of Minnesota.

Generalization Strategies

Defined in a broad way, learning strategies are behaviors or thoughts that facilitate learning. These strategies range from simple study skills, and underlining the main idea, to complex thought processes as the use of analogies to relate prior knowledge with new information. The two types of strategies: instructional (imposed) and learning (induced) are cognitive strategies, involved in processing information from texts, which makes a reader, though in the first case the emphasis is on the material and the second in the apprentice. To get a clearer picture of what they are learning strategies, I invite you to view the following video from youtube:


Findings Conclusions References And Applications

Main sources: books, manuals and design articles in the scientific and methodological journals, collections of scientific and scientific and methodical works, conference materials, web pages on the Internet. When they are used to correct registration of their references, as discussed below. Can also be used unpublished materials. In the case of manuscripts is indicated in parentheses after the name of the source. If you are using an oral statement by the expert, it is also mentioned in the text of the paper. Footnotes are drawn at the bottom of the function Insert / Reference / Footnote. In a footnote, is required to specify the full name of the source (copied from the list of references) and the page numbers.

(See sample) All primary sources in the footnotes and bibliography, but the author and title work should be named publisher and year of publication, the total number of pages. Magazine and newspaper articles in the footnotes and the references are made as follows, first name and initials written in the article's author, then the name of the article. Then, through the / / name of the magazine or newspaper, where they were published, year of publication issue number, page. Footnotes are made single-spaced, no indent. FOOTNOTES requires absolutely all the papers Including exchange of psychology (the modern requirements of universities). Number of footnotes and references at least one on each page. Footnotes are placed in quotations, definitions from various sources, taken from the sources of the formulas, examples, tables, figures, statistics – that is, the borrowed material. EXAMPLES OF EXCHANGE OF CONTENTS Introduction 1.

The essence and importance of voluntary activities of students 1.1. Self work of students, its symptoms and conditions for the organization. 1.2. Classification of individual works 1.3. The value of individual works in teaching younger pupils Conclusions 2. Analysis and conducting experimental work on study the problem of 2.1. General characteristics of primary school children, their learning and play activities 2.2. Preparation and conducting of pedagogical experiment 2.3. Our analysis Findings Conclusions References Application Help-Diplom.Ru Coursework in Psychology