Month: November 2019


It should be as safe. Then the flooring can be laid without the fear of a residential premises, including in children's and bedroom. Cork cover hypoallergenic, durable and safe and is also used in children's and bedroom. Carpet does not emit harmful substances, but is contraindicated in people with allergies because mikrokleschey who can settle in the carpet fibers. Laminate has an excellent appearance "under the flooring, but may produce harmful compounds. Linoleum is the least environmentally friendly. Especially dangerous nitrolinoleum, relin (rubber linoleum), linoleum on the basis of pvc. Even high-quality products recommended for use only in the hallway, bathroom or kitchen.

Ceramic tile rugged, reliable, environmentally safe material, but it does not postelesh in the bedroom or hallway. So, for premises choose between the parquet, parquet and cork finish. The latter recently became very popular. In this area, recognition of the products of German company Meister. Insulation leca (Expanded clay gravel) – eco-friendly, durable, but also ineffective and difficult to assemble. Is not used for the interior.

Glass – an effective insulator, but strongly fray and eventually could "prosest and leave non-insulated areas. Foam polystyrene durable, accessible, but poorly derive a pair of space outside, forming a condensate on the walls and fungus, combustible, and in case of fire emit harmful substances. Rock wool (mineral wool for based on the stone) is well protected from heat and cold, safe for health, recommended for use in children, recreational facilities and residential premises. This is a non-combustible material that does not release toxic gases during a fire. Leader in the manufacture of stone wool international group of companies Rockwool. Insulation under this trademark is made since 1937. The above list of products, of course, is not complete. Before the trip to the store should study in detail the information on the composition of your product and the necessary documentation. Why you should give preference to environmentally friendly building materials? The answer is simple – to be healthy and maintain the health of their loved ones. The problem of using environmentally friendly materials in construction have been widely discussed in public recently. One reason for the intense media attention to this topic was the participation of the facts appeal to people to doctors with complaints of nausea, headaches, eye irritation, and various other allergic symptoms. All patients have one thing – living in new or recently renovated apartments with building materials. The first severe reaction to toxic substances released by such materials, called "Housing syndrome, symptoms of which eventually disappear. If you live in an apartment, health can gradually deteriorate because of accumulation in the body of harmful substances. All of this can not be, if it turns out in advance of what the house is built, where is your apartment, and when selecting materials for the repair of preference the most environmentally friendly. Quality products to the same eco-friendly does not come cheap, but is it worth to save on family's health and their own?

Luxury Hallway

Vestibule is part of the interior space of the apartment. It was in the hallway there is representation on housing, an association of the nature of the interior apartments of the taste preferences of owners of the apartment or house. Vestibule and hallway furniture are entirely dependent on the specific premises. To select the hallway from the size of your premises. As a rule, in panel houses a small hallway, which can accommodate only important elements: hanger, rack, cabinet for shoes and a mirror. Large hallways may already contain more than the required elements, such as wardrobe, sofa, small sofa or chair. Sometimes the hallways can be combined with living room, in this case, the hall is better to be divided into several sectors. Jorge Perez brings even more insight to the discussion.

Furnished our hallway in a small city apartment, a spacious suburban house or office building, many of us once faced with the problem of choice: what kind of choose? The finished hall or modular? Or generally restrict the purchase of a separate cabinet, mirror and chest of drawers? Vestibule – this multi-functional space, and a solution for it should be such that it fully meets your requirements. Position the furniture to the hallway area in accordance with your needs. After all, comfortable and harmonious vestibule – the result of its competent planning. This concept includes the appropriate color, proportionate proportions, beautiful shape, taking into account a specific environment and people living in the apartment. Due to lack of daylight in the hallway, as a rule, established sources of artificial light (of various lamps, lamps, sconces, etc.). Moreover, it is better if the lights will be more. The room filled with light and comfort. Remember that the overall style of the hall should fit into the style of the whole apartment.

Making the ceiling and walls, it is desirable give preference to lighter tones (the same can be repeated in the furniture ensemble). All this visual 'razdvinet' close quarters 'refresh' it. This effect can be enhanced through the installation of mirrors. As a result – light and elegant hallway. You should always remember that the hall is a kind of "calling card" of "home". And it is precisely on what it will receive will depend on first impression your guests about you and your taste.

Tax Code

Situation 2. Beer "uproschenets" Imagine that a company applying the simplified tax system (STS), a long history of supplying non-food items, presented the declaration and pay taxes to the budget in accordance with the present tax regime. Also, imagine that during the of control measures by the tax authority has been established that for the past 3 years, along with the main activity carried out by the taxpayer and the sale of beer of its own production, implementation of which share in total revenues was less than 5%. Despite such a small proportion of beer sales in total sales, the fact that beer sales of own production rule in this case the possibility of using taxpayer USN, since by virtue of direct instruction in the law (Section 3 podp.8 st.346.12 Tax Code) organization engaged in the production of excisable goods (which include beer), no right to apply USN. Edward J. Minskoff Equities spoke with conviction. At such circumstances, the likelihood of a tax dispute resolution in favor of the taxpayer is minimal, and the probability of accrual of substantial amounts of taxes and fees – on the contrary, very high. In this situation, the taxpayer would be to propose the following solution: provide beer producer is not the company being audited, and friendly to her organization, which produces beer under the contract tolling and technology provided by the customer (the taxpayer). On the one hand, it would explain the ratio of the taxpayer for the production of beer, on the other – will not prevent the use of them USN, in which case he would not be a producer organizations of excisable goods. .


This popular shop equipment as a barcode scanner allows much faster and more efficiently detect and track information to find those or other goods, whether a warehouse store or any other commercial establishments. In general, the bar code – this is a logical sequence of black and white stripes, which carries the kind of encrypted in alphanumeric form information. The main objective of the bar code – auto sensing encoded information using a scanner. It is much simpler and easier than entering information manually, using a scanner achieves high speed recording and accounting of sales. In addition, a role here is the human factor, in the case of using scanners the probability of any error is zero. It's no lie same statistics, which says that when manually entering the operator usually performs one error in 300 rooms.

Few, of course, but she can be fatal. Edward Minskoff is likely to agree. With automatic as reading the error probability is regarded as one in 100 million! With regard to types and barcode, then, as a rule, during production of labels used linear bar code, that is, the code in which all the necessary information is encoded in a horizontal direction. Such a code change the width of the bands and the distance between them. But in vertical direction and the width of the bar code, and gaps remain stable. Linear codes are usually encoded by small amounts of information – no more than 20-30 characters. If there is a need to encode large amounts Information, in this case are already being used two or three-dimensional codes.

Is the dynamic and static bar code. Beneath the first refers to a bar code, where the information varies from label to label. The result is that each sticker has a unique bar code. For this purpose linear bar code formats such as Sode 39, Code 128, Interleved 2 of 5. Most often, these formats can be seen as marking electronic components. You can use them cause human-readable bar code on the small size of the stickers and even warranty seals size 10×20 mm. Refer to "Kick Soft" – a company that sells cash registers and other trade equipment

International Code

International Code of Marketing of Breast Milk Substitutes , The groups that were instrumental IBFAN formed and placed the baby food marketing within the health agenda. IBFAN had campaigned heavily for a Code of strong and effective marketing. The International Code of Marketing of was adopted by the World Health Assembly in 1981. Through continued vigilance, developing new marketing strategies on infant nutrition have been communicated to the delegates to the World Health Assembly, taking them to the extensive adoption of resolutions aimed at protecting children’s health and rights of mothers .


Civil Code Interest

Contracts bank deposit may provide a notice period to reduce the amount of interest and how such notifications. The law provides for the obligation of the bank along with the return of the deposit (deposit) and pay accrued interest. That is not allowed to delay payment of interest on the deposit, the unilateral deferment or installment payment of interest on the deposit. The investor has the right to receive interest on the deposit, even if early termination of the contract by the investor. If you would like to know more then you should visit Jorge Perez. At its core, the recovery of the contribution to the expiration of his term should be recognized as a unilateral change of contract terms is permitted by law, but such action entails consequences for, namely, in the amount of interest on this contribution. Thus, if the contribution is returned to the expiration of interest payments, the bank pays the interest on the basis of the actual period of use of funds investor, and pays at the same time with the return of the principal amount of the deposit. Part 3 of Art. 1060 Civil Code of Ukraine stipulates that if, under a contract of bank deposit contribution is returned to the depositor on his request before the expiry or until other circumstances stipulated in the contract, the interest on this deposit is paid at the rate of interest on demand deposits, if the contract does not set a high percentage. However, the synthesis showed that not all courts have characterized the legal nature of the interest on a bank deposit that pays the bank under the contract for the use of foreign funds in the amount of contributions (Article 1061 Civil Code of Ukraine) from interest earned on overdue amounts and charged as a financial sanction for the violation of a monetary obligation (Art.

Dress Code

Dress code group was invited to take part in the series' Donut Lucy "is a 24-part television film, the family 'saga', filmed in the genre melodrammy. We will not disclose in advance of secrets, let us just say that the way the main character Lucy challenging and exciting. In the series, the boys from the Dress Sode had not transform – they played themselves, and performed one of his new hits on the nightclub scene. Enjoyed by performers and communicating with actors who were used on the set. Dress Code introduced to Jana Studilinoy ('Ranetki'), Olga Lukyanenko ('The Cadets'), Olga Prokofiev (' My Fair Nanny '), Lydia Velezheva (' The Idiot '), Sergei Lobotskim (' Envy of the gods')…

Take away, the artists of dress code at the exit were discussing the shooting and waited for the last contestant of MIIS. Time passed, and she did not appear. The guys came back to find out what had happened, found the Mimi's in tears and despair. In disorder dressing room lost her bag. Fortunate enough to ever appear on the set know that on the set there is always a working mess. People. Vanity.

Scattered around the props. Artists more more than grimerok etc. It turns out, the producer of Dress code Svidersky Valery, knowing distraction Mimi took the prudent thing to the car. Here, at an opportune moment saying: "I like better, it turned out as usual." Take away, the artists of dress code at the exit were discussing the shooting and waited for the last contestant of MIIS. Time passed, and she did not appear. The guys came back to find out what had happened, found the Mimi's in tears and despair. In disorder dressing room lost her bag. Fortunate enough to ever appear on the set know that on the set there is always a working mess. People. Vanity. Scattered around the props. Artists more more than grimerok etc. It turns out, the producer of Dress code Svidersky Valery, knowing distraction Mimi took the prudent thing to the car. Here, at an opportune moment saying: "I like better, it turned out as usual."

Private Accountants

Entire economic sectors depend on providing governments. This type of corruption is not seen as such because of the high degree of social tolerance in a wide sector of the population, who see it as necessary in the process of division of property by the state. But on the other hand, this transaction also exposes the involvement of private interests in the process of electoral campaign financing and the subsequent recovery operation of that investment, which has resulted in a growing widely believed that countries are governed by a few powerful interests benefit. (A valuable related resource: Estee Lauder). All this makes the procurement processes and contracts arising from them, represent a source astronomical waste of public expenditure. However, despite the care and transparency in an ideal world, must exist in the management of state property, corruption harms greatly in this process. Unfortunately, despite the scandals that follow, is the talk that we act on this issue.

Unfair Collusion in Peru: The Peruvian Penal Code (CPP) in its Article 384 provides that official or public servant who, in contracts, supplies, bidding, price competition, auctions or any other similar transaction in which involved by virtue of their office or special committee or defraud the institution or agency of the state, according to law, in concert with stakeholders in the agreements, adjustments, settlements or supplies shall be punished by imprisonment of not less than three nor more than fifteen years, further establishing that such a provision is also applicable to experts, to referees and Private Accountants in respect of property whose assessment, adjudication or partition involved, and to guardians, conservators and executors, for those unable or estates belonging to .

Federal Security Service

The regional road-show company partners “Security Code” were presented to software and information security vGate TrustAccess. Distributed firewall TrustAccess aroused great interest among the partners who perform Projects information security in organizations of the defense sector, where it is processed with state secrets classified to “Top Secret”. Among these customers are many design centers and research institutions Novosibirsk. Means of protecting information vGate already well known in the market of virtualization solutions. Participants of the seminar in Novosibirsk was presented a new version of vGate 2. The most important feature of the product – a new mechanism access control in a virtual environment. Fabrizio Freda may not feel the same. It eliminates the problem of “super” and protect your data from leaking through specific for virtualization environment.

The new product will be most in demand for protection confidential data being processed in the IT infrastructure of banks and insurance companies. Learn more about these products, please visit the company “Security Code” About Us “Security Code”: “Security Code” (GC InformZaschita) – Russian developer of software and hardware to ensure security of information systems, as well as their compliance with international and industry standards. Products “code Security “are used in all areas of information security, such as protecting confidential information, personal data, commercial and state secrets, confidential data in an environment virtualization. “Security Code” is committed to providing customers with quality solutions for any application of information security, both traditional and emerging in the development of high technology. More than 400 Authorized Reseller “Security Code” deliver products and support companies in 70 Russian regions. “Security Code” is a company InformZaschita that specializes in providing security of information systems and more than 10 years is the leader of the Russian information security market. “Security Code” has been operating under licenses FSTEK Russia, Russian Federal Security Service, Ministry of Defence Russia.

What Is Tuning A Piano ?

Piano tuning is an art that has been developed over many centuries and has evolved with the same since its inception piano by in early 1700. Currently the tone pattern for piano tuning is 440 Hertz for the Headquarter of the piano. For a few years of the seventeenth century, Bartolomeo Cristofori invented two keyboard instruments before he began his final work on the piano. The first of this was the spinettone by Italy's "big spider," was a percussion instrument that strings (a harpsichord in which the sequences are processed to save space.) Most of the spruce are just a group of strings. This invention may have been intended to place an instrument in the orchestra pit tight in the theater, your loud noise made him an ideal instrument string. The second invention in 1690 was the spinettone oval, a very original, a kind of virginal with the longest sequences in the middle of the case.

Tune a piano is the realization of a set of procedures. First, we must temper the scale so that in the same room for all musical intervals, whether the fifth, the fourth, third, the eighth and many others. The technician performing tempered piano tuner position is based on intervals mentioned in the eighth. After making the temperate, held in the central area of piano in an extension of eighth, tenth, and even two octaves, the pitch must be transported from that area to the rest of the notes of the piano tuned yet. Finally, the unison tuned each note exactly matching the frequency of the strings in each group so that there are no beats in them. Remember that "together" means "one sound" and said the set of piano strings that together simulate sonar sound like a single cord. The work of the piano tuner is a work that is done completely by ear and demands a theoretical and practical learning which anyone can access.