Managing Director Student

Start the current survey of the education barometer Gelsenkirchen, December 2009. The demands on the education increase from pages of the school and the parents. “Scientific research has repeatedly shown that the effectiveness of” school, i.e. the school success, much of a (successful) cooperation of parents, students and teachers depends on. The Centre for empirical educational research of the University of Koblenz-Landau, campus Landau and aid for students want to know how is made the relationship between parents and teachers and the cooperation works.

Therefore the two facilities calling all interested in education, to participate in the next education barometer. The online survey at the address is from December until the 15.1.2010. The cooperation between parents and teachers an important role for the educational development of children has been proven”, explains Prof. Dr. Reinhold S. Jager, Managing Director of the Center for empirical educational research (zepf) of the University of Koblenz-Landau, campus Landau.

“” The results of the survey be also rise to a joint discussion of all those involved, so that school increasingly can comply with the, what they want to do: children to promote and contribute to the success of life to afford. “We experience it every day, that parents have reservations with the teachers of their children and ask us to make contact with the school”, confirms Norbert Milte, Managing Director of student aid due to its many years of experience from the practice. “The student aid as a neutral instance can convey in this very emotional relationship for the benefit of the student.” The education barometer is a joint initiative of the Centre for empirical educational research (zepf) of the University of Landau and student aid.

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