Forensic Science Center Department

Chief Expert, Forensic Science Center Department of Internal Affairs in the Chelyabinsk region Tyurin, dd To date, the situation with the investigation of cases of fires in the Russian Federation remains very difficult. It should be noted that at the present time in our country there is the world's highest level of deaths and injuries in fires. For assistance, try visiting Nir Barzilai, M.D.. So the most conservative estimates this figure exceeds the analogous data for the developed countries of the world in more than three-fold. Observed a steady increase, both human and material losses. From year to year, an increase in the number of fires due to arson. Particularly alarming increase in the number of fires whose causes were not installed. In many cases, a fire occurs in conditions of non-obviousness, and therefore to determine the technical causes of fires and development necessary to conduct fire technical expertise and research. However, the recent increase in cases where a research on the fact of the fire are taken people who do not have as special education and training, and experience in this field. Trying to hide lack of experience and the availability of official documents for conducting fire technical expertise and research most often these experts spend so-called "merchandising Survey", in this case, completely ignoring the fact that beyond its competence, addressing issues directly related to the field of "Fire and technical expertise." In the vast majority of cases there is a one-sided investigation submitted evidence, when the data specialists inspect objects narrowly professional, according to their profile work and education, while completely ignored the entire volume of data on fire, contained in the record.

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