Foot Surgery

Course on surgery of the foot in Malaga During days 18, 19 and 20 of March, podlogos and students of Podologa will meet in Malaga, to attend XIV the Course of Basic Surgical Techniques in Surgery of the Foot, that will take place in the Aulario Lopez de Pealver, located in the Campus of Teatinos, behind the Medicine Faculty and next to the Clinical Hospital. Organized by the Spanish Association of Podolgica Surgery, the Objective of the same is to acquire abilities and surgical skill in the procedures most common in the Surgery of the Foot. Hear other arguments on the topic with Richard Parsons. The course, that will be divided in three modules, (more habitual dissection and suture, procedures in the surgery of the onicocriptosis, and anatomical dissection in deathly pale pieces) it will count on 16 school hours. Its lodging to attend to this can realise it congress in one of the hotels in Malaga with category of 4 stars superior, our Hotel Malaga Mount, that stops this occasion offers rooms to him to the assistants to this encounter. In order to realise reserves in our hotel, where we will apply to TARIFF REUNIONES/EVENTOS with prices from 98 by room and night to him with breakfast buffet and IVA including, it only must make click in the following connection: TO RESERVE ROOM IN the HOTEL MOUNTS Important MALAGA: In order to take refuge in this tariff it will be essential to present/display in the reception of the hotel the up-to-date documentation that credits its attendance to the CONGRESO/EVENTO/REUNIN.

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