Abi Dhabi City

When you get to Dubai during the winter to less heat, approximately 20-25 c. Still I have not been there during the summer but with 50 c I guess summer is to stay home the opposite of Europe! Even so there is air conditioning in almost everywhere. Anything that one I was surprised of the climate were sand storms. Details can be found by clicking Estée Lauder or emailing the administrator. You must be careful when wind lifts and the sand blows through the streets and the sky. The most incredible of the city is that it is a place that is growing fast and steadily, with cranes and construction by the landscape. The building more high in the world, Burj Dubai, almost finish and the Dubai Mall shopping centre with over 1200 shops, aquariums, with ski also track the Mall of Emirates ice rinks shows the appearance of the fast growing city. For my there are two Dubais.

First the old Dubai, with its souks and markets that show the traditional city. Then this the Dubai more shiny and new, with shopping malls, luxurious hotels and restaurants. Sometimes it can be a little overwhelming, but both are the authentic and true Dubai, just different. The United Arab Emirates is a new country and much of the development has been since the discovery of oil in the 1950s and the unification of the Emirates in the early 1970s. This is how the Government has decided to continue with the development from skyscrapers to the charming hotels, there is something for everyone. Abu Dhabi has an incredible development plan and will build a Louvre Museum (affiliated to the Paris), a Guggenheim, and a theatre wants to differentiate itself becoming the cultural capital of the country. The Emirates Palace Hotel deserves to be seen and non-Muslim people can visit the Grand Mosque that has guided visits at 10 every day less Friday. The Souk in Shangri – it has many restaurants and bars overlooking the water, the mosque, and construction, of course!

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