
Many times when we sleep grab us allergic reactions that are manifested in the form of: colds, cough, etc. do and this is it? Although it may be for several reasons, one of the principal are mites: in the following report will discuss these bugs that come from the family of Arachnids and are so annoying at bedtime:-where are the mites accumulate? In mattresses, pillows and bedding. This is why your contact with people sleeping is virtually inevitable. -Why the mites cause allergies? The main cause of allergy causing mites resides in their fecal matter. When a person inhales the fecal matter, this triggers in allergic reactions which in turn are responsible for the appearance of signs and symptoms of diseases such as: asthma, rhinitis or dermatitis. -Tips to keep in mind: a-both pillows mattresses there are accumulation of wastes of skin and food residues that are deposited inside, thus establishing a true habitat for mites to be disposed.

Therefore it is recommended to pass him a vacuum cleaner at least once a week. b If you do not have a vacuum cleaner, passes a hair dryer both by the mattress by the pillow and bedding at least 40 inches away. Hot, dry air from the dryer will penetrate the internal structures and eliminate mites. c do not hesitate to change the pillow once a year. d with respect to the mattress is recommended to review the same structures in order to determine whether there is need for change or not. there are mattresses that come with effective anti-mite treatments, do not hesitate to advise you and find out with the leading brands in the category. sale of cheap mattresses in Spain.

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