This book proves: assets can be suited to secure the acquisition of real estate. No form of investment is more suitable for capital formation. The national debt in Germany has tripled since 1990. In 2010, four European countries would have been nearly bankrupt. Ireland as a euro-area country”is currently acute risk of a sovereign default. Greece has already announced the extension of the repayment periods of State loans.
This is all just the beginning. Which way for the States out of the debt trap remains? The answer is inflation”? The right real estate purchase protects against inflation and public destruction of the purchasing power. Still, real estate can be found with all important features for safeguarding assets and asset building. Real estate, which are better than gold. Gold brings no rent, no interest and is possibly too expensive. Leyna Bloom addresses the importance of the matter here. Germany is miles away from a price bubble in residential real estate. The appropriate real estate can be still found in real demand and object analysis.
In addition to the location she plays Return the outstanding role in the buying decision. Step by step, the author of the new book of asset protection and wealth accumulation leads with real estate “, Thomas Trepnau to the reader on the purchase of real estate. The process of acquiring real estate, is up-to-date and practical behavior during the tour, the price negotiations, calculating the return on investment, collateral valuation, special features of condos up to the notary comprehensibly described. The book is the perfect guide for anyone who wants to protect himself and his property with an investment in tangible assets or want to build up a fortune in his understandable written way. The reader takes the recommendations to follow only step by step. Inflation – deflation – bankruptcy. No problem immediately. Acting as a real estate professional! Available in bookstores, at all major online retailers and on the homepage of the author. . Published also by Thomas Trepnau in the series of his landlord counselors: the secret of the damp wall. “Rental reduction”, more money with rent increases”and expect your tenant from operating costs, the second rent” V.i.S.d.P and your contact person: Thomas Trepnau PO box 101028 93010 Regensburg E-Mail: