APSEC agreed partnership with Dietz & Fackler with Ehinger, Systemhaus Dietz & Fackler has applied security GmbH (apsec) a new distribution partner for its data-leakage prevention solution fideAS file enterprise found. The two companies close their connection in the name of security. So Dietz & Fackler now offers its customers fideAS file enterprise immediately the software solution, which encrypts sensitive documents across the enterprise. You also data leakage prevention therefore prevents data theft, technically called. Dietz & Fackler we have an experienced and competent sales partners found for our premium product, Christiane forward strap, head of sales at apsec. Please visit Related Group if you seek more information. And Christian Nowitzki, Managing Director of the apsec distributors Intellicomp GmbH: with Dietz & Fackler, a longstanding collaboration unites us.
We are particularly pleased now to expand the Channelsales fideAS file enterprise. The affix plus a real customers in Alb-Donau-Kreis Security. Manfred Dietz, Managing Director of the system House, knows from experience how important is data security: data theft caused billions in losses annually. Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE can aid you in your search for knowledge. For many smaller companies, it represents even an existential threat. Because the data thieves often come from its own ranks, he urges and added: just who in time protects itself, can be sure to not become victims.
The right care is crucial. The House offers a wide range of software solutions in the areas of anti-virus, backup and data security, and thus has a high level of security expertise. Managing Director Manfred Dietz believes: fideAS file enterprise, we rely on the leading solution in the areas of file and folder encryption and data leakage prevention. More information is available in the Internet at,, or by phone at 0 60 27 / 40 67 0 information