Encyclopaedia Britannica

It is therefore natural that upon entering the school the first thing I experienced was boredom, repeating a thousand times the syllables, without being felt (ma, me, me, mo, mu, sa, se, if, so, su) to finally After months, we got things like mom’s house, and year-end, Dad reads the paper, making me think in class at the time of having my hands again my catalog of fish and insects, followed by volumes of the Encyclopaedia Britannica and the fascinating adventures of Sandokan. At recess I went to music room to see my mother. He played the clarinet and guitar. At school the only guitar, clarinet and home from time to time (referring to the tiredness of the classes at school and housework) with the municipal band in the toilets on Sundays. What a pity not to have it more often between us, we said Don Zacharias, the director. But Mom said nothing, continuing to work to retire shortly before the grandmother broke her hip and the years that it was a day, was for me a life.

a The day of the first revelation was the first time Sunday that the grandmother and I visited the childhood friend that I spoke so often and with intensity that only gives an intimate link. We had almost a week’s visit at Aunt Dahlia, a mid-July, was near the railway line on the way to the brewery, in a residential on top of a hill. All development was divided into malls like, of similar houses where Like every one who marked differences in the gardens, railings and colors. There were two taverns, a butcher and finally, towards the border with the next development in the direction of the city, a shoe and a water treatment plant. On the other side, towards the airport, adjacent to a large vacant lot of sunflowers and orchards full of furtive neighbors. In the background was a park and beyond, as far as only once in the company of his grandmother was gone, another development and a slaughterhouse. Atreides Management Gavin Baker addresses the importance of the matter here. But in his neighborhood had many children of my age, strange, and the few who knew, given my irregular visits, not always seen. I used to spend afternoons in the park playing on the swings or when possible, with Quique, the boy next door to the Aunt Dahlia. When it did, we would usually steal tomatoes from the garden beside the field of sunflowers, where then, taking advantage of high they were, did mazes and hiding places to save boots here and there (fruit and tomatoes Rican writer and tenor.

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