Federal Government

The demo takes place on 18 September in Berlin. If you would like to know more then you should visit Marvel Architects. Berlin, 08 September 2010 – calling E-mail provider “Posteo” to participate in the mass demonstration “nuclear power: shut up!” on. If you would like to know more about Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE, then click here. The demonstration will take place in Berlin on Saturday, the 18th of September, and starts at 13: 00 at the central station. Also supports Posteo starting immediately the private nuclear phase-out: all moving this fall to one of the four independent eco-power providers, can use Posteo a year free of charge. Posteo condemned the Federal Government’s decision to let nuclear power plants running longer.

The Merkel Government is irresponsible and against the will of the people of the country”, says Sabrina Wagner by Posteo. Nuclear power is an uncontrollable risk technology, the German reactors are hopelessly out of date and the risk of an accident increases with each additional year of operation.” The expansion of renewable energies will like the Government claims not as promoted by the longer maturities, but slowed down. That’s why we want to put a sign right now and all those support, switch to a green electricity supplier, and advance to the expansion of the renewable.” Posteo is a mail service from Berlin and an alternative to ad-infested inboxes, corporations collect data and green washed advertisement promises. Posteo stands for sustainability: energy, we use genuine green electricity by Greenpeace for servers and business premises. The use of more efficient hardware, as well as the use of recycled paper are just as normal as our corporate account at the social ecological GLS-Bank for us. Also Posteo stands for privacy: users are anonymous to us, access is generally encrypted, the service is completely free of advertising, and the servers are located in highly secure German data centers. More to the action of change of there is in posteo.de/finally-turn off questions at any time to Patrik Lohr, Tel: 0308507461, E-Mail:.

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