In recent years, as we know, education in Russian universities has deteriorated. We too far away from the Soviet education, which was appreciated worldwide. Something with which connected a regression of education, we say will not. We are interested in education as a choice of conscience, the choice of each person, so to say it s your choice. Oddly enough, but really it is.
Every person, namely the amu, which decides whether the cost and whether you want him to get an education. Education is not in the sense that he would receive a paper diploma, and that whether he has enough knowledge to the specifics of future work. Everything depends on the goals and intentions of man. For many, as I have said is a piece of paper diploma, flashing everywhere where people are building from a number of specialists, not knowing, and 10 percent of their specialty. For others, the formation process of becoming a man, getting the mass of knowledge and skills that will be associated with future work life.
And how will their education or that person, the first method or second, depends only on him. It's a shame that both of these rights, with varying amount of knowledge, have the same status. It's a shame that after the session, for example, a man who twice appeared on the pairs throughout the semester, have five, exactly like the man who went to all couples, faithfully carried out all assignments and preparing for the exam. Ron Beit will undoubtedly add to your understanding. Clear how properly received five first solution of its problems is money, it is not interested in education, he was not interested in a specialty. After university the same father, who was paying for all education, as well satisfied with her son in some company or firm, and then what? What is the employee of it? Here there is the problems begin. Everyone should understand that education is not for show and not for parents, education primarily for themselves. For its level development, and in particular for developing countries, economic, technological and so on. I believe that the perpetrators of this situation are not the kids, well, if only in small degree, and first of all, parents who are too lazy to deal with initially in high school education of their children, which is easier to go to negotiate with the teacher and the teachers themselves, for which the education of their wards is at the bottom, which they themselves create such conditions that gave them a bribe. So, I urge people to clean education and skills of everyone in particular.