The superendowed pupil is curious, inquisidor, unstable e, for times, irritated and aggressive, demanding very of the person of the professor. Nor always it (the professor) psychologically is prepared to face it e, therefore, feels itself unsafe, inferiorizado and pursued, inasmuch as that one is the pupil who knows more, that makes difficult questions and that it shakes its status to know and of authority. Many professors compete with its superendowed pupils and they do not admit that these last ones know what they more than or that they can have more creative or original ideas. 1.0Desenvolvimento Partner-Emotional of Superdotado In recent years is if perceiving a great concern in developing and programming practical pedagogical to take care of the pedagogical and cognitivas necessities of the carrying pupils of abilities special. Some studies (Horowitz, 1987; Roeper, 1982 cit. in Alencar & Fleith, 2001:2006), show that the emotional characteristics of the superendowed ones do not occur more quickly or precociously of what of the other children; it occurs of form differentiated in terms of styles and learning, creativity, interests and traces of personality. Add to your understanding with Jorge Perez.
Among them, we detach: (a) Idealismo justice sense, that if it reflects in the concern of the superendowed child and to hug causes that promote equalities social; (b) perfeccionismo, Express for the auto-imposition of high, rigid standards of performance e, many times, irrealistas; (c) high level of involved energy in the accomplishment of activities; (d) perseverance, involving great concentration in activities of interest and the accomplishment of obstacles. The lack of tunning between its emotional, social, cognitivas and educational necessities and the conditions offered for the society can unchain, in the superendowed interpersonal conflicts intra and. 5,0 Paper of the Psychologist the psychologist has a very important paper, however little explored in this process of the inclusion and exclusion of the superendowed one in the social and educational context. The implementation of techniques of psychological aconselhamento, as well as of strategies of intervention next to the pupil, to the professor, the family and the community are some practise of them to be developed for the pertaining to school psychologist in the superendowment area. In the school, practical pedagogical they must take in consideration strategies of differentiation and modification the regular resume with sights to adjust the learning process ace necessities and characteristics of the pupils, and special of the talentosos superendowed ones and. Models of learning, strong areas of interest and points the pupils are words keys for the good development in this process. Moreover, the psychologist could still contribute in the professional orientation of these pupils, especially those that, in function of abilities and diverse interests (multipotentiality), have difficulty in choosing a career.