Of this form the preparation of a professor who works with EJA must be differentiated. The methodology must be adapted and its pedagogical projects must include the expectations and the reality of the pupils Fits to the professor to articulate the aspects affective and cognitivo gifts in the choice of the education objectives, in the starting point of the education process learning, in the organization of the contents, the processes and activities of education and in the procedures of evaluation. Working as mediating between thoughts and contents with the pupils the professor will be capable to establish with constructive and pleasant relations. The fact is that the individual to develop the practical one of the autocorreo and to reach a development, a learning, needs to be affectively healthful and with its high-esteem well-taken care of. They are emotional, psychological factors that the individuals affect the development of all directly. It is joined this social factors, preconceptions, lack of preparation of the professionals and has a parcel each bigger time of the society with functional illiterates who feed our form of stratification. References: OLIVEIRA, Martha Kohl. Young Adult as citizens of knowledge and learning.
Work ordered for the GT ‘ ‘ Education of young people adultas’ ‘ presented in 22a Annual Meeting of the ANPED? 26 the 30 of September of 1999, Caxambu. WALLON, H.: The psychological evolution of the child. Martins Sources, SP, 2 Ed, 2008. OLIVEIRA, Martha Kohl. Cycles of life: some questions on the psychology of the adult. Article published in the Magazine Education and Research.