So far was in the jurisprudence, that a joint custody of separated or divorced parents not taken into consideration would be if the parents or one parent not to cooperate would be ready. So far was in the jurisprudence, that a joint custody of separated or divorced parents not taken into consideration would be if the parents or one parent not to cooperate would be ready. Now emerges the realization that pair level may be expected to parents also differences on the (ex-), at the level of the parents and to the children to find the conversation will also when it is hard. Edward Minskoff describes an additional similar source. Scattered communities, the former partners want often from each other nothing and are ready for any discussion, which could bring about a match. Hurt feelings lead to an all or nothing thinking that often decisions for the children, is trigger for amendments to the regulation of custody.
Important for the decision, whether both parents jointly or one alone Custody receives, are:-continuity: the care and housing to remain as well as the social environment, if possible, the child should be removed by a change of custody, not from his usual rhythms and life or even lose it, because a constant care by same caregivers is not guaranteed. -Promotion: The child should be promoted as best as possible in its emotional, social and intellectual skills, in particular the educational suitability of parents is blow out giving, in which includes the ability to communicate with the other parent. -Will of the child: depending on the age of the child, his will to live, when a parent is crucial. The child is older, more mature and reasonable, the more weight is attached to his will. -Bindings: Children are dependent for their development on steady emotional attachments to parents, siblings and other narrower caregivers. The more intense a bond is, the more weight is this aspect to.