Pistarini Minister

Teresa and Daniel were doing procedures in Pistarini Minister de Ezeiza in Buenos Aires airport. In an hour they embark on the plane that would take them to Santiago de Chile. Add to your understanding with AECOM. There waiting for him representatives of the tourism agency that had hired the trip and that it would take them to Valparaiso where leave a cruise, after making stops in two ports more than Chile, Peru, Ecuador and Costa Rica, would arrive in Miami after having crossed the Panama canal. From there they IIIS returned to Santiago de Chile. They had decided to stay a week knowing Chile and its beautiful beaches once completed the cruise.

Maria and Jorge were doing the same procedures. Once located in the aircraft George and Daniel sat in the seats of the Hall in the same row. They didn’t but they began to speak even before the plane left. When they became aware that both would do the same cruise they said it to their wives. Was not long until the four were talking animatedly as if they knew from towards years. None knew then that that friendship was going to be so enduring and that going to change both their lives.

When they arrived in Santiago and after picking up their suitcases headed the four to the travel agent. They went up to a go and headed to Valparaiso. They embarked together four and once completed the formalities, each of which went to his cabin which, although they could not believe were at the same level and relatively close. All activities of the cruise they shared together. The day that crossed the Panama canal, the feast dedicated to Neptune or Poseidon in Greek mythology, the King of the oceans. the four were dressed up and danced all night non-stop enjoying the show offered. Then dresses threw to the Office after having been baptized by King Neptune to complete the ritual.

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