The attributions of the Pertaining to school Advice are defined in function of the real conditions of the Educative Unit, of the organicidade of the proper Advice and the abilities of the professionals in exercise in the Educative Unit. For even more opinions, read materials from Jorge Perez. Amongst these attributions it is distinguished: – To establish and to follow the politician-pedagogical project of the Educative Unit; – To analyze and to approve the Plan Annual of the Educative Unit, on the basis of the project pedagogical politician of the same one; – To follow and to evaluate the performance of the Direction and the Educative Unit face to the lines of direction, priorities and goals established in its Annual Plan, redirecting the necessary actions when; – To define criteria for the cession of the pertaining to school building for other activities that not them of education, observing the legal devices emanated of the mantenedora, guaranteeing the flow of permanent communication, in way that the information are divulged to all in skillful time; – To analyze projects elaborated and/or in execution for any of the segments that compose the pertaining to school community, in the direction to evaluate the importance of the same ones, in the process education learning; – To decide on the impasse of administrative and/or pedagogical nature, depleted the possibilities of solution for the pertaining to school team; – To consider alternatives of solution of the problems of administrative and/or pedagogical nature, as much of those detected by the proper agency, as of that it directed in writing for the different participants of the pertaining to school community will be; – To make to fulfill the norms to discipline relative the rights and duties of all the elements of the educative community, inside of the parameters of the Pertaining to school Regiment and the legislation in vigor; – To articulate action with segments of the society that can contribute for the improvement of the quality of the process teach-learning; – To take science, aiming at accompaniment, of measures adopted for the Director in the cases of contagious diseases, serious irregularities and occurred emergencies solutions in the School; – To follow the performance of institutions auxiliary aiming at to the development of a work integrated and coherent with the politician-pedagogical of the Educative Unit, considering, if necessary project, alterations in its Statutes, hearing the segment the one that says respect; – To argue on the proposal curricular of the Educative Unit, aiming at to the perfecting and enrichment of this, respected the emanated lines of direction of the City department of Education; – To assist, to support and to collaborate with the Director in substance of its ability and all its attributions.. Hear other arguments on the topic with Jorge Perez. e matter.