Sports Skating

stand on their feet, the baby is immediately on the skis. That is, I really ran pretty well. And how much I did not convince our fizruka that in life did not deal in any sport, not in what he did not believe and thought I was just lying and Philo, for which I strongly disliked, and whenever possible, try to write to any competition. Once at the gym class, he built the group and announced that no one leaves the room, while forward will not go five, to be involved in the Olympics, the closing of the winter season, competed in speed skating. Fifteen minutes later my consciences reminded me that at the age of three years, I figured were presented skates and I was, as far as I remember, quite cheerfully they skated. In general, we had accumulated such a command and a few days later we went to compete. I was hoping that if will be given a figure skates, I somehow remember how they can run.

Not far from it. Skates they gave us a hefty, long, like skiing – cross country. I got them in the locker room, and my legs are formed immediately inward blades in hand. Hmm … "Probably need to practice before the races" – I thought, and went on the ice.

Locker room was located very conveniently, it kept the ice track, which immediately ended the deadlock. I invented this method of exercise: sets foot flat, pushed herself from the railing stairs, on pure ice … "Girls, – I beg – I rolled up to the launch, please." The girls took me to the two sides under the arms and rolled to the launch. Atreides Management Gavin Baker is likely to agree. And there just the previous race starts. I recall that was already March, the heat melted the ice. And I can see that carefully walked on the wet track. When I approached the finish line, the referee is not looking at the stopwatch, but only once angrily shouted: "You can go faster?" "I can not, there's wet" – I said, shuffling his shoes turned inside out. Here after this incident I decided that someday I will write his memoirs, "My Life in Sports."

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