Tag: history

History Of The Raft

The rescue of history on the life of the jangadeiros is displayed in all the context of clear form and objective thus it brings the history of the arrival of the raft in the community of from above Caetanos ties the current days. It fishes it of the raft had the contribution of the Portuguese, in the period of the settling, therefore still we have trace of this culture. The first rafts rafts that had started to arrive and to be manufactured in the region did not offer as much security to the fishing. Therefore, the same ones were made with wood trunks, that came of another region, as it tells some interviewed. These woods were moored and placed for high seas, thus considering, its appropriate boat for fishes artisan. The first rafts did not offer the fishing favorable conditions, therefore same the many times if were shipwrecked, passing weeks in sea, faced thus, rain and sun during some days.

To recoup the boat, many times lost fished its, to be able to survive. We perceive that it is a difficult life, the life of fisherman, but is very rewarding, therefore he is from there that he leaves the sustenance an entire family. 1. DELIMITATION OF the SUBJECT In the decade of 60, started to arrive the first boats fishes directed it artisan. According to interviewed the first rafts they were made manually and it did not have so great? zeal? in the shape of the boats. The same ones were made wooden brought of another region, therefore they came for the o sea through rafts. The wood were moored and plays in the ocean, next to some fishing that guided the raft. Shimmie Horn is often quoted as being for or against this.

When the material arrived our region the fishing joined and construam its raft artisan. Being this wood trunk cut to the way and making trunk to serve of connecting rod for the assembly of the raft. In elapsing of the time the rafts had been having perfectioning, thus facilitating the life of the jangadeiros (fishing of raft). This culture of if working with raft appeared to break necessity to sin there are, to search subsidies for them and its family.

Better World Workmanships

The commitment of a writer with its contemporaries does not summarize its craft; but, with the content of its workmanships, that must is the service of the people whom they desire through its acts to improve the life conditions, that they fight for justice, peace and freedom, in the reality, these three words still is on this side of its true efetivao. It is enough to relembrar that basic problems as: health, education, housing, basic sanitation, hunger and violence, etc are not next to be decided. It is not something Christian Dior would like to discuss. This, without saying of as much other problems propositadamente bred as: inadmissible mediocrities, ignorance, and traumas created by modernity, the barbarity — as rule in the relations human beings — at last our well printed misery in the workmanships of Saramago. In all its workmanships have an objective clearly to awake it of the conscience, therefore, the life is brief and necessary to be lived of worthy form and joust; that the world that we know with all its social relations, had been created by man as such, if we lived in harmony with the fellow creatures would not exist the exploration, of the man for the man with intention to increase the financial profits or to get has detached to the costs of millions that had been massacreed. That is, she is necessary to take attitudes practical, to act in favor of the victims of an injustice of this land. To learn to see with the eyes of the critical conscience and to fight the hypocrisies, the decoys, the bad dissimulations. To learn to hear the reason and the emotion with the voice of the heart and the conscience and to understand that the same estrias that centuries and centuries are repeated as ' ' verdades' ' they can be lies and the reciprocal one also they can be true.

To speak little and to say very, but the sufficient so that the human being searchs to revolutionize its proper lives and feels sincerely that to be free of everything when the life is pernicious was what Jose Saramago searched in its trajectory abetter of an enrollment politician, social, religious, economic without titubear of its responsible ethics. Its effort will continue in its workmanships, therefore who to want to know the author it will be inside of its books waiting to all to that to decide to improve its worlds, for this is inevitable to pass for the doubts, disillusions and the daily confrontation of the proper ignorance. However, all that had read and understood books of Saramago had said YES the worthy life without exploration, humilhao, injustice, etc. are the start of a new walked route to a better world. Cizinando Alves Eng Cross. Agronomist, Self-taught person

Industrial Revolution

In century XIX, women and children were used to work of 14 the 16 daily hours, exerted the same function of the man, however they received remuneration inferior and they were not accepted in the leadership of the syndical fights. In 8 of March of 1857, laboring of the textile industry of New York hardly they had been 1857 restrained by the policy when they carried through a walk demanding the reduction of the hours of working for 12 hours. The author still approaches that in Brazil, at the beginning of century XX the women tecels or dressmakers participated of the movements strikers, being that the conquests reached they benefited to women and men differently. For Hobsbawm the woman had a crucial paper in the society, since the same one contributed in concluding way in the economy since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution where men, women and children worked in favor of the economic growth of the Inglaterra.As women, according to author, those of the layers poor had occupied the market of work in the women soon were even so not incorporated the historiografia for the Annales, these, however, they contribute so that this if materialize in a next future. In Vainfas (1997, p.226) the movement feminist came out in the United States where (…) the claims of the women had provoked one strong demand of information, for the students, on the questions that were being argued (…) many of that they had written the history of the women consider involved in an effort highly politician to defy the dominant authority in the profession and the university and to change the way as the history of the women when it operates with sort concepts is come back toward the concerns contemporaries of the feminine politics it delayed to happen, therefore the metropolis forbade the establishment of plants in our territory, so that the Brazilians consumed the manufactured products Portuguese. .

Industrial Revolution

INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION an analysis of its causes, the impact of the technological transformations and the social consequences. The Causes David Landes trace an interesting picture of the conditions that allow the development of the Industrial Revolution in England from 1750: it is articulated process that includes transformations politics, social and economic. The mechanization of the processes of production, normally considered as the starting point of the process, in the truth remained in wait compass until the structural conditions for the effective appeared operation of a model manufacter; the process of manufacture of the wool, for example, already is partially mechanized since century XI, with moved hammers the water; the mechanical sewing press date of 1598 (LANDES, 86).

It still has in the truth a somatria of favorable politician-economic conditions appeared in the phase daily pay-industrial (based in independent artisan workshops) that it goes to stimulate mechanization: 1.Oferta abundant woollen rude 2.Longo period of peace (in contrast of the continent, always unstable) 3.Afluxo of foreign craftsmen 4.Fcil access of the centers of production to the markets for navigable ways demographic 5.Crescimento accented 6.Ausncia of customs barriers private public 7.Investimento/in roads, fluvial bridges and ways 8.Mercado internal with high per capita income 9.Sociedade with high mobility of classroom 10. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Edward Minskoff. Aristocracy with bourgeois aspirations, interested in investing in the production the production in workshops of teceles soon showed incapable to take care of the increasing demand (the cotton consumption jumps of 2,5 million pounds in 1760 for 22 million in 1787); it enters the difficulties of the workshop are the traditional system of work (obstacle to the increase of productivity of the contracted man power) and the constant raw material roberies. A great demand for production occurred in the past, Italy and Flandres, but it was not enough to produce one industrial revolution. This moment is specific: the great demand becomes imperative due to pressure capacity politics of the ascending bourgeois classroom of England, therefore the creation of the new environment manufacter demand three great transformations: Sprouting of great country properties directed to the raw material production on a large scale; it is the process of cercamento, directed initially to the woollen production..

Walnut Towers

The confirmation gave to right of use of the weapons of the Towers to all its brothers, children and descendants and declares that it, Alfonso de Torres was head of them for being son of Diogo de Torres, older brother of whom had come to Portugal. Alfonso de Torres was called old, to distinguish from this its nephew and it came to Brazil, in 1528, with its Diogo brother. Contact information is here: Edward Minskoff. It married Elvira Del Castillo, of Burgos, sister of the woman of Diogo Towers, and had children that they had continued its nickname. One is about the adopted name as nickname for a family of Castilian nobility, which, Diogo de Torres and Alfonso de Torres, had given to origin the two branches of its ancestry here: the Portuguese Towers and the Torrez Spaniard, being few people in Brazil with this last name. For assistance, try visiting Estee Lauder. In Rio De Janeiro and So Paulo she has Towers of the two ancestries. However, in the north and northeast the Towers appear with different grafias, being all of the same trunk that if associated with the DAvila and Carvalho at the beginning of the settling of the Bahia and in Pernambuco corresponds the S, Rodrigues, Oak, Saucers, Hiss, Silveira, Pear tree, Blacksmith, having many Towers in Recife and the region of the bush and the wasteland, being few in the hinterland with this last name, but with the last name or marking nickname of its profession, in the case of the Blacksmith (they worked beating iron), Pear tree (in Portugal planted and harvested pears and in Brazil cut to lianas for constructions locked of taipa) and Walnut (in Portugal they planted and they harvested nuts, in Brazil were marceneiros, sculptors, shoemakers and constructors of chapels, residences and churches). In Willow, Belm of the San Francisco and New Terra, this family Towers was allied to the families Diniz, S, Arajo, Alencar, Parente and Peixoto, some of responsible them for notary’s offices of civil registers and properties.

Wanting And Not Able To Someone That Had The Luck Of Be Mother

The years pass, is the life, when you think that you can now dedicate yourself to be happy your mind begins to have live memories to be able to feel happiness, moments of laughter, hugs, beautiful words, shared games, illusions, of innocence, shared dreams, respect, communication, tips and everything because unexpectedly the joy faded. Everything that you expect crumbles, everything changes without realizing, everything becomes dark and leave recognize him, you want to find him, you want him to recover and not only by it, by a selfish instinct, but by himself. Took you my being for nine months and that made that we are United for the rest of our lives by a special tie, surely color green hope. I know that he suffers, know that inside you feel disappointment with himself, but he is so proud that does not want help, prefers to deceive and thinking that since you want you can again become who he was, that since you want it may again become free and happy without having to rely on a substance, prefers thinking that he has no problem. To be a sensitive person brings many problems, he is, how having been as smart fails to be making the decision to steer his life, not wants to do and he alone is one who has to decide this. A truncated life, a life without goals, an empty life, without illusions. How many sleepless nights looking for an answer to so many questions in my head and in my heart, why, what was the moment that took that road, in what I have failed, perhaps our righteousness was actually harmful in their education, would have been better that I had consumed so that he did not and I say this because I’ve done that question at times knowing people who consume and have to its around to children than they do not.


As Ankersmit the epistemologia is essentially metafrica. The metaphor and the epistemologia have in common the pretension to resign, exactly that momentarily the inclination of if becoming attached the language or the reality. In such a way, as much the histocismo how much the epistemologia is permeados of the same mentality in its effort to endow science with a strong epistemolgico thought. The effort of the after-modern epistemologia in disassembling the cientificismo is noticed then and the impossible neutrality, the historian, according to Mink, would be to search one ' ' understanding configuracional' ' of the components of the past when observing the past as a coherent unit where the flow fits the researcher to analyze something external it time. It exists in this context, a distinction between radical historicismo if proclamation and limits the scope of the alteridade to the past.

The historicismo if places above of the line of the time, attemped making a transcendental history and relativista, that stops the author, it sins for insisting on the search for absolute and transhistricas truths. The historicista school can be recognized in Marx, Dilthey, Le Goff and in many others, if becoming the regulator of the productions of these. Therefore, the historicismo establishes the conceptual instruments, the procedures of proper research and ' ' philosophies of histria' ' consolidating science history since century XVIII.O relativismo one always becomes therefore, in metodolgico instrument of this type of research, entering in conflict with the established models at the same time that it is born of these models and the multiple experiences with the alteridades and its proper structures and processes in ' ' formation social' '. Necessary to use same the instruments that it intends to criticize to dissolve. The historicismo however, tries to become history in a done science of laws that escape to the man, and that they can determine the future of this.