Children grow up every day and acquire new knowledge: learning to talk, walk, learn about the world. They develop thinking. Parents at this time are always there, because the kid takes a lot from them. Also a big role in his development of play toys! Today there are so many educational games and it is impossible not to enjoy. The fact that they are based on two important inherent to the principle of the child – the game and new knowledge, but rather "cognition the world in an interesting and entertaining fashion.
" It is developing games give food for thought from early childhood, allowing the child to independently find the answers and make decisions. Educational games are divided into several groups depending on the child's age. For the youngest is usually "noise" (music, speakers, etc. brenkayuschie) toys, games for 3-5 years have been creative and logical in nature, between the ages of 6 and over to them added to various board and other types of games. Consider some of the kids nih.Dlya used on such a toy could only dream of, but today it is quite reasonable thing. This is a developmental mat.
It is designed for the youngest children, ranging from 3 months. Attention child rug draws its bright colors and noisy toys to the touch, which play a melody, make sounds. This stimulates the development of carpet, tactile sensation, coordination, and, of course, gives a good mood. For the child it is important to observe the movements of the fingers and lips. So he develops fine motor skills and articulation of stores, trying to continue to repeat it. Help with this funny little fingers will help – set for creativity "Animals." First, tell yourself you can use them fairy tales, and when the child gets older, he will invent their own stories is also deftly moving palchikami.Dlya Children from 3 to 5 in a small age is very important to encourage the development of fine motor skills, as it related to the formation of the vocal apparatus. Many therapists claim that low activity of the finger often movements are important causes of speech disorders. So a lot of educational toys are in the nature: to touch, mold, fold, etc. In 2004, the Guinness Book of Records recorded the world record for the largest Rocking toys. It was a rocking horse $ 4.8 x4, 8×2, 7 m, established residents of the Japanese city of Hanno. For example, a set of modeling. In addition to the fine motor skills it helps to develop thinking and creativity of the child. Another fun toy will be fun way. The beauty of it is that it also helps to develop fine motor skills, concentration, color perception, and also makes a fun and exciting pastime in the bathroom. Starting from 4-5 years, and some parents are doing it already before you can begin to study the alphabet. Help in this emerging magnetic board. In addition to the letters of the Russian alphabet, it also contains various cards and other items that helps a fun and interesting to learn chtenie.Dlya children aged 6 years or older at the age of 6 years and older children already trying to solve more complex problems. Therefore, in addition to different sets of drawing and creativity, it will be useful logical toys and those designed to study the phenomena of the world, hidden from us. For development of attention, reaction perfect board game: hockey, soccer and others. Besides, this is a team game, which in this ages are becoming increasingly popular.