Tag: organ

Gold Product

In this article I’ll talk about the business opportunity of body Gold (OrganoGold.com). Connect with other leaders such as Atreides Management Gavin Baker here. In principle it is my opinion that all MLM business are good and its products also, but some more than others to suit certain people. My MLM company has a product that is very social and should not create the habit people that consume it in principle, it is also a re-consumible product, or people may take it several times a day, at the same time my company is within the sector: health and wellness, a sector that are interested around the world because everyone wants to feel goodhave good line, have energy, etc. MLM companies, logically live sales, and the product of my company, I would say that almost buy it you only by the benefits for health. My company is called Organo Gold, and distributes coffee first quality, in addition to coffee with milk, chocolate for drinking, green tea, etc., all this with a component called ganoderma, can search it in Google where there are more than one million of pages talking about this millennial fungus. In terms of the compensation plan which is also important, is a binary plan – hybrid, a modern, with many Add-ons bond plan. On the blog of Jose Manuel Medina is a video where he talks about the types of plans compensation that exist, it is good to see him.

Regardless of all this Organo Gold is a relatively young company, something very interesting when choosing an MLM. In Spain (where I am), takes about a year, so the company is expanding and this is an excellent time to seize the opportunity. Apart from these short strokes of my company, the truly important thing is only and exclusively you.