Tag: philosophy

Nietzsche Human

INTERIOR ENEMIES (Adapted of the Human, Too much Human workmanship.) The Christianity fold that the man is conceived and been born in the sin. Therefore, the biggest sin of the man is to have been born. We can understand that for the sectrias and pessimistic religions, the procreation act is considered as bad in itself exactly, representing an immorality to be contained and to be fought. During much time, it was had as required that the sensuality was declared pernicious and heretical, being that the danger of the perpetual conviction was so narrowly on to the idea of the sensuality that, very probably, during many centuries the Christians had only exerted the sexuality with much remorse and the main end to generate children. The Christian pessimists deturparam the nature human being, associating with the natural element the idea of interior enemy. Check with Kelly Preston to learn more. One created an internal war and a constant alternation of the victory and the defeat. For in such a way, they had needed an adversary, finding it in the interior enemy, thus creating, in the mind human being the sin idea. Douglas Elliman is often quoted on this topic.

Empdocles, Greek philosopher, did not see nothing of shameful or of devilish in the erticas things, for the opposite, it saw in Afrodite the guarantee that the discord would not reign perpetual, but that it one day would go to more deliver cetro to a deity indulgente. However, the Christian pessimists desired that another opinion was dominant, populating the solitude and the desert spiritual of the life human being with an alive enemy always and universally known, stopping a perpetual fight and remaining themselves in constant penance to fight it and to overwhelm it, always under the orders of the church. He must yourself be recognized as the men if they become worse for assigning as bad what he is inevitably natural. Such is the procedure of the church and the patrsticos Metaphysical that wanted that the man if recognized by its very nature as bad and pecador, being necessary supernatural forces to exempt it of the pack of the sin. The intention was not to become the redeemed man most moral and, but that it felt the most possible pecador, similar of that it was kept under the domain and I judge of Church. Therefore, Nietzsche opened the eyes of the man to visualize natural with a simple element and without meaconing, removing the idea of sin and pessimism of its genealgico DNA. God, supreme goodness, that everything created for the harmony human being, did not make of pecaminoso the affective relation something. The release of sectrios and pessimistic concepts planted in the mind human being, during long centuries, if makes necessary, aiming at to the full evolution of the integral man, come back to the intangible truths of the life.

Alexander Sviyasha

Are you tired of the constant stress that prevent you from being a harmonious and happy, and want to find emotional peace and inner harmony? Then this article is for you. From it you will understand how to become a winner over negative experiences. In order to stress does not become an obstacle on your way to happiness, psychologists recommend you the following ways to control their emotions: Exemption from repressed emotions. Anger and other negative emotions greatly affect your health, if not timely release. It is therefore imperative to keep a diary or to engage in various physical exercises. You can also beat the pillow, scream, or cry. The same way psychologists do recommend forgiveness.

It is free from insults, which are a strong stress factor and the source of many zabolevaniy.Dlya forgiveness can use special meditative techniques, such as meditation, Alexander Sviyasha, which you can read on the internet or in his books. Prevention of stress through relaxation. In order to control your emotions need to be able to relax. For this purpose, well suited various relaxation techniques, such as autogenic training. The greatest effect brings visualization method. He was very pleasant.

You relax and draw in your mind your favorite pictures that evoke You .Naprimer positive, we can visualize how you walk along the beach. You well. Birds sing and the sun is shining. You enjoy the beauty that surrounds you If you prefer breathing technique, then do not neglect them. Use them regularly. This is a great way to relieve stress. Stress at work, too, has a negative effect on you with prolonged exposure. Therefore, it is important to do your job comfortable. For this purpose you can use the science of feng shui. The same should be able to say "no" and not to transfer the problem to work abroad. A time to solve them. If you do not like your job, then look for another way income and self-actualization. If you have problems with communication, and this is causing stress, then learn the necessary literature, visit the training and apply this knowledge in practice. Learn how to find common ground with love man, become a genius of communication. This will help you greatly in life. If these tips do not help you, then look for other methods of dealing with stress. They are a huge number. The main use of them. Remember that in order to cope with problem, we must find its source and the act. It is most important. It all depends on you.

Microbiological Fertilizer As Biological Control Agents

With the development of science and technology has become possible to observe and study microscopic objects. Scientists around the world view with a microscope the smallest inhabitants of our unique planet. Children already in school are taught that there is germs, bacteria, tell about their structure, habits. Surprisingly, these microscopic creatures are able to unite and multiply. Now nobody will be surprised by the fact that these small bacteria may serve the man. And, of course, they find application in agriculture and help care for our planet. Microbiological fertilizer is a special culture of bacteria grown under certain conditions. Production technology of microbiological fertilizers in the EM-center of Ukraine confirmed the strong results in agriculture.

From fertilizer application to become clear that the biological agent Plant Protection was created by nature itself. Nature has created a unique way that is natural fertility of the soil, increasing crop protection and increases life force that helps to improve our wonderful planet. The drug has passed the state examination at the Kiev State Institute Ecohygiene and Toxicology. li Medved, and is recommended for use in agriculture in order to restore soil, increase the humus content, increase productivity, as well as pre-treatment of seed, root feeding plants and accelerate the composting! Microbial Biotechnology – is a promising and rapidly evolving technology of the 21 st century! em technology is one of the biotechnology industry, aimed at the revival of natural agriculture!

Critical Judgment

As the problem if decides in the recital of the aesthetic judgment in the free game and the harmony of the facultieses spirituals that we have and that the object in us produces. The effect of this game it exempts of the facultieses is the judgment of the taste. Therefore, this purely objective judgment precedes the pleasure for the object, basing it for the harmony of the facultieses to know. However, such universal subjective validation of the pleasure, on to the object for the beauty concept, is only based on the universality of the subjective conditions of the judgment of objects. Together with the beauty it comes the sublime one that also it is what pleases by itself.

The difference between beautiful sublime if of the one in the fact of that the first one if relates to the form of the object, characterized for the limitation (or delimitation). The sublime one says respect what it is informs, what it implies the representation of what he is limitless. The beauty produces a pleasure positive, sublime a negative pleasure. The sublime one is not in the things, but in the man. It is presented under two forms: dynamic mathematician and. Mathematician when given by the infinitely great one (ean, sky etc.). Dynamic when data for the infinitely powerful one (earthquakes, volcanos etc.).

Ahead of the two the man if it discovers small jammed e, but it discovers that it is superior to the immensely great or immensely powerful one, therefore loads in itself the ideas of the reason (of the absolute totality) that they surpass what it seemed to surpass the proper man. TELEOLOGIC JUDGMENT the aesthetic judgment possesss a subjective purpose. The teleologic judgment, on the other hand, presents a purpose that depends on the nature. Part of the Critical one of the judgment college is complicated, therefore many consideraes tend to take the philosopher to the metaphysics, repelled in its preconceptions since first the Critical one.

Edgar Morin

But I know that all being takes off its origin of it, if it is well of sombras' ' . After that of the emphasis to the limits of the thought. In which if it treats in educating, therefore when more it is educated little if understands the fog that cause fear and that makes to shine the night and is in this then that consists the mstica in Morin, based in the knowledge: I feel ' ' misticamente' ' the moment in which the knowledge it discharges in the ignorance, in which knowing discharges in the mystery. At the same time, rationally I am convinced of that, when, but our science advances, but it comes close itself to the Inconhecvel. But I do not give to this Inconhecvel the name of God. Here, still, I join my demon of the rationality with the one of the mstica. We can observe that the author if feels mstico when the knowledge discharges in the ignorance.

This means that from the moment that if believes that it knows, but in the end if it knows and then it meets with the ignorance and it makes with that knowing if chains with the mystery. Morin affirms that science is advancing and this advance leads for the Inconhecvel, that is, walks for what it is not known. But it leaves clearly that this Inconhecvel is not God. Finally it declares that its thought still is in conflict with the mstica. It believes that this is bad when demon of the rationality, therefore creates an obstacle to come close itself to the misticismo. With this we can say that the mstica is not only exclusive of the religion. Edgar Morin says that the mstico phenomenon is not monopoly of the classic religions, the ones that claim the existence of God. affirms: It exists, also, in the secular religions.

Wanting And Not Able To Someone That Had The Luck Of Be Mother

The years pass, is the life, when you think that you can now dedicate yourself to be happy your mind begins to have live memories to be able to feel happiness, moments of laughter, hugs, beautiful words, shared games, illusions, of innocence, shared dreams, respect, communication, tips and everything because unexpectedly the joy faded. Everything that you expect crumbles, everything changes without realizing, everything becomes dark and leave recognize him, you want to find him, you want him to recover and not only by it, by a selfish instinct, but by himself. Took you my being for nine months and that made that we are United for the rest of our lives by a special tie, surely color green hope. I know that he suffers, know that inside you feel disappointment with himself, but he is so proud that does not want help, prefers to deceive and thinking that since you want you can again become who he was, that since you want it may again become free and happy without having to rely on a substance, prefers thinking that he has no problem. To be a sensitive person brings many problems, he is, how having been as smart fails to be making the decision to steer his life, not wants to do and he alone is one who has to decide this. A truncated life, a life without goals, an empty life, without illusions. How many sleepless nights looking for an answer to so many questions in my head and in my heart, why, what was the moment that took that road, in what I have failed, perhaps our righteousness was actually harmful in their education, would have been better that I had consumed so that he did not and I say this because I’ve done that question at times knowing people who consume and have to its around to children than they do not.