Tag: Physics

The Universe

Options for change have chosen on what the problem is posed. (As opposed to Estee Lauder). Now let's try to understand the meaning that we invest in the definition: "time". Typically, we investigate some process, and this definition applies to this process. To determine the time of use hours, which in turn use a vibrational process. Work any hours can be bijectively mapped to the work of certain light-hours Lorenz. In other words, we can associate with the removal and the approach of the light signal to a certain point (recall that we consider the two coordinates for simplicity).

We always Remember that the universe flies away and removing the boundaries of the universe means positive direction of time. When compared with the clock Lorenz us who does not hurt to consider the Lorentz hours without a second mirror. Estee Lauder has plenty of information regarding this issue. That is, as a clock without a limiter, and the time they counted on the length of the path of the light signal. How would a small model of the universe. But these "universal clock" can define the coordinate q of the light signal. This coordinate can be mapped to stationary process in the chosen inertial reference system (ISO). For moving ISO (coordinate q '), for a fixed ISO (q), these coordinates can be compared on the received coordinate transformations.

It is clear that interesting to remove only the light signal in the "ecumenical hours" as a model of the positive direction of time. Therefore, only interested in positive values of q. In fact, it turned out that compared to all hours of each ISO with the giant clock – the universe (it can hence equality ISO?).

Russia’s Weather

Morning of Russia 20 (07) March 1910 Yesterday the sun was 21 degrees of heat in Reaumur. Over the 30 years the process of registering meteorological data, in Moscow this phenomenon was not observed. Moscow sheet 19 (06) January 1904 State of the weather. About former Bitter cold – in Moscow this winter and there is no hint. Yesterday morning, Reaumur showed the 2-degree cold at night, mercury stood at the freezing point, and late in the evening it was 3 degrees below zero.

Moscow sheet 28 (15) January 1902 Rain in January, yesterday morning Reaumur showed 2 degrees above zero. On the streets formed puddles of water, sledding became the port. Yesterday poshlel rain that lasted all night. Moscow Life on June 7 (May 25), 1904 The unprecedented weather continues hold in Moscow. From early morning until late at night a drizzling rain, the afternoon sun peeped out, which is a few minutes later it was closed by a cloud, and went to an abundant snow that fell, melted.

Reaumur morning showing 3 degrees above zero; Happy mercury was 5 degrees, to the late evening the temperature dropped to 2 degrees Celsius. These notes were full of Russian newspapers beginning of XX century. It seems that nature at that time were presented by individual weather surprises, despite the fact that it's global activities have not yet had time to her so much harm. But today, it goes on the temperature or environmental cataclysm, but on the mentioned an interesting unit of measurement of temperature – degrees Reaumur.