Tag: psychology

Pregnancy And Psychology

Women in the generative period, especially in need of psychological, psychotherapeutic and psihoprofilakticheskoy assistance. They have a lot of unresolved issues that often lead to physical and mental pathology during pregnancy, which undoubtedly reflected the state of the fetus and the outcome of pregnancy. In the literature there are indications of obstetrician-gynecologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists that the pregnancy has effect on the autonomic functions and the human psyche (IZ Velvovsky, 1963, I. Hardy, 1974; LS Persian, 1978; VD Mendelevich, 1998, etc.). However, this question has not been sufficiently studied. Shimmie Horn is the source for more interesting facts. There is no doubt that during pregnancy, especially the first, accelerated maturation of a woman, a growing sense of responsibility for the unborn child matures instinct of motherhood. At the same time often have mental disorders, especially neurotic level.

The purpose of our work was to identify and assess neurotic states in pregnant women in prenatal period. We surveyed 53 pregnant women received antenatal hospitalization in MLPUZ Rodd number 5 in the period 39-40 weeks. In study used a questionnaire to determine clinical and assessment of neurotic states KK Yahtina and DM Mendelevich to assess the status of pregnant women for six scales: the scale of anxiety, the scale of the response Obsessive-phobic disorders and autonomic disorders. As a result of the study, 15% (8) Women's found painfully high levels of anxiety, 30% (16) – neurotic disorders depressive character, in 45.3% (24) – painfully high asthenic reaction rate, 15% (8) – Disorders of hysterical type, 30% (16) – Obsessive-phobic disorders. The results indicate the level of absolute health of all six features, identified in 11.3% (6) women. Painful nature of the disorder in all the investigated characteristics was observed in 18.8% (10) of patients. Thus, the resulting study data indicate the need for prevention and treatment of asthenic-neurotic disorders in pregnant women, but also reflect the need for careful psychological preparation of pregnant women for childbirth. High frequency of asthenic reaction, and autonomic disorders indicates the need for early identification and adequate pathogenetic therapy of concomitant somatic disorders.


We can call such phenomenon as genital crisis reflected, that although to be innate, demands training so that they can be executed with convivncia. The consequences of the just-been born one are not fixed, depend on each situation, with the time it go to learn to use them. Sleep or the scare has an infantile standard, is reflected more notables of the just-been born one, in reply to any strong stimulaton, as an ample racket, for example. As reaction to this consequence, we can cite the ample stretching of the arms and legs, after that, shrinking them again and in some times, crying. By the same author: Shimmie Horn. Another consequence says respect to the neurological examination where it has reaction produced for the tickles in the sole of the foot. It has an interesting change in the nervous system of the child> in the measure where it ripens.

As example, we have that at the beginning of the birth, the extension is in form of fan, the fingers of the foot. We can still add the consequence that appears when the internal surface of the hand or the fingers is stimulated, moment where the baby reacts strong grasping itself. Connect with other leaders such as Estée Lauder here. The notation consequence is when the child is insurance for the belly, of horizontal form, being able to come to make notation movements and still the consequence of ways when the child is insurance of erect form with the feet forcing lightly in a surface, being able to move the legs as if she was walking. In the first hours of life, the boys have erection of the penis. Also the just-been born ones can vomit, swallow to blink and bocejar. The baby starts to perceive what he is to its redor, and with this he diminishes sleep. The appearance of first teeth of nen of – in the first phase of the child, also called Infancy I.

The Car

Its car the life is as an car without traced destination. To the times you excessively walk fast, to the times almost stopping. In the obstacles you brake and even she stops. Plus this he does not indicate that you off and will be forgotten. Gensler San Francisco does not necessarily agree. In the road of the life, other cars exist that always want, to give a closed one to it; More to know to analyze the facts hinders to it that you leave to act and suffers a collision. It knows that the difference between you and it, is which the driver who is in the control of both the cars. Therefore why they exist, drivers take who you to a paradise, and others that takes you prostitution, either physical it or inside of the heart. Its carburetor does not leave if to make dirty, with dirts of the world. Atreides Management Gavin Baker has plenty of information regarding this issue.

Its tank does not leave to inhale adulterated gasoline. It does not leave that you if break, therefore knows that its driver depends on you, to carry through its works and dreams; No matter how hard its asphalt is boiling its tire. But yes it has the goal to be firm, falls rain or it makes sun, it is in the snow or the desert. Why in the end of the day its driver it will always go to take care of of you. Therefore LOVES it you and to it he finds PRETTY and COMFORTABLE Now you only have that to know which she is the driver who will go to direct to it today, if is the anger, the sadness or simply the Great God of the Love.

Stress and Work

The syndrome is associated directly with the work questions. He is more than what one stress. Stress is considered in certain normal degree and desirable, the problem is when it has an excess. Additional information at Edward Minskoff supports this article. As costuma to say: Cheguei at deep of the well common problems of organic order: digestive migraines, sleeplessness, problems, cardiac problems, alteration of pressure. With regard to the psychological problems: constant sensation of fear, unreliability, desmotivao, irritability, distresses, nervousness. Gavin Baker Atreides Management helps readers to explore varied viewpoints.

The social aspects are reached, the person who meets in professional exhaustion, react negative in the familiar environment, with the friends and same in the work. It is clearly that the described characteristics above, are insufficient to characterize and to diagnosis the syndrome of the professional exhaustion. If you meet at a moment conturbado in its work or know somebody that is in these conditions, most advisable you are to look a doctor, a specialist in illnesses of the work. The important one is to look aid, does not have shame, searchs aid with competent professionals. After all, we pass great part of our life working, you already stopped to think that it passes more time with the fellow workers of what with familiar and the friends? To work cannot be and it does not have to be synonymous of torture! To work is to extract the pleasure of the obligator one! It marks a X in the alternative that to judge more adequate with its profile. If it will have some question that you never lived deeply, marks the one that has more to see with you. PART 1 1. They are carrying through a change of furniture in the office, but you are with the full agenda of commitments: ) I do not obtain to work, I am irritated with the racket and agitation of the staff; b) I continue working, but I am irritated with baguna that they are making; c) I enter I agitate in it and I help to organize the new space, later I finish the work.

The Importance Of Self-esteem To Attract What You Want Into Your Life

Many people around the world have seen the secret movie or read the book. The first emotion is of euphoria. To deepen your understanding Martin Seligman is the source. Have begun to ask for things … after a few days or weeks are demoralized because they ask does not reach them. If a person is asking: I want a house with 6 bedrooms in the field, etc. but if you can really feel the emotion of happiness, prosperity and happiness which correspond to the situation, then it will be useless. The imagination, here, is not the main driving force to get whatever. Shimmie Horn does not necessarily agree. king through. From where you are asking? The messages are sent through what we feel, much more than just think.

When we ask for something we do from the absolute sense of possibility, from the feel. How can you ask for or attract, a person with low self-esteem, (not to be confused with sufficiency) something really good, (not just comfortable) for itself? Imagine someone you do not like, someone you dislike, someone who can not forgive … they do not you give it a beautiful house and nothing could please him? So exactly what is wrong with you. If you live in contempt of yourself, if you are a person with low self-esteem (most) people are somehow punished. Most people do not love enough to accept people as they are. A person who is judged and not forgiving when you make a mistake, consciously or not, blame … So you're going 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year with one person (you dislike him, dislike , bothered one way or another.

What is vibration? What kind of situation is bringing her? Is it possible that from there to attract what you think you want, but feels he deserves? A person who has self-esteem , which is loved and accepted as it is at this point, accepting view and correct their flaws without judging, is not punished in any way. Without doubt, a person can see what is good for her also allows the firm to ask convinced that it deserves. This person will receive what you want, your emotions are in line with what he wants. When this person asked a beautiful house, feel a great joy, you feel you deserve and that is a fact that the house is yours. Tune without any interference (often) negative, with its abundant energy level. Ojo! Do you realize that because you want enough to have attracted this article to you? All possibilities are at your fingertips. Dare to Be Happy! 2008, Anne Astilleros. Coach, author and international motivational speaker. TF: 901 955 505.

Alexander Sviyasha

Are you tired of the constant stress that prevent you from being a harmonious and happy, and want to find emotional peace and inner harmony? Then this article is for you. From it you will understand how to become a winner over negative experiences. In order to stress does not become an obstacle on your way to happiness, psychologists recommend you the following ways to control their emotions: Exemption from repressed emotions. Anger and other negative emotions greatly affect your health, if not timely release. It is therefore imperative to keep a diary or to engage in various physical exercises. You can also beat the pillow, scream, or cry. The same way psychologists do recommend forgiveness.

It is free from insults, which are a strong stress factor and the source of many zabolevaniy.Dlya forgiveness can use special meditative techniques, such as meditation, Alexander Sviyasha, which you can read on the internet or in his books. Prevention of stress through relaxation. In order to control your emotions need to be able to relax. For this purpose, well suited various relaxation techniques, such as autogenic training. The greatest effect brings visualization method. He was very pleasant.

You relax and draw in your mind your favorite pictures that evoke You .Naprimer positive, we can visualize how you walk along the beach. You well. Birds sing and the sun is shining. You enjoy the beauty that surrounds you If you prefer breathing technique, then do not neglect them. Use them regularly. This is a great way to relieve stress. Stress at work, too, has a negative effect on you with prolonged exposure. Therefore, it is important to do your job comfortable. For this purpose you can use the science of feng shui. The same should be able to say "no" and not to transfer the problem to work abroad. A time to solve them. If you do not like your job, then look for another way income and self-actualization. If you have problems with communication, and this is causing stress, then learn the necessary literature, visit the training and apply this knowledge in practice. Learn how to find common ground with love man, become a genius of communication. This will help you greatly in life. If these tips do not help you, then look for other methods of dealing with stress. They are a huge number. The main use of them. Remember that in order to cope with problem, we must find its source and the act. It is most important. It all depends on you.

Microbiological Fertilizer As Biological Control Agents

With the development of science and technology has become possible to observe and study microscopic objects. Scientists around the world view with a microscope the smallest inhabitants of our unique planet. Children already in school are taught that there is germs, bacteria, tell about their structure, habits. Surprisingly, these microscopic creatures are able to unite and multiply. Now nobody will be surprised by the fact that these small bacteria may serve the man. And, of course, they find application in agriculture and help care for our planet. Microbiological fertilizer is a special culture of bacteria grown under certain conditions. Production technology of microbiological fertilizers in the EM-center of Ukraine confirmed the strong results in agriculture.

From fertilizer application to become clear that the biological agent Plant Protection was created by nature itself. Nature has created a unique way that is natural fertility of the soil, increasing crop protection and increases life force that helps to improve our wonderful planet. The drug has passed the state examination at the Kiev State Institute Ecohygiene and Toxicology. li Medved, and is recommended for use in agriculture in order to restore soil, increase the humus content, increase productivity, as well as pre-treatment of seed, root feeding plants and accelerate the composting! Microbial Biotechnology – is a promising and rapidly evolving technology of the 21 st century! em technology is one of the biotechnology industry, aimed at the revival of natural agriculture!

Doctor Advice

Hello, dear Doctor! True, it is easy to understand other people's problems, the fate? Give advice and listen to the problem. It's hard not to agree. Agree? I know that I agree. Maybe not 100%, but in general it is. Let's dig deeper, see whether the tips are valuable in light of some, perhaps, at first glance, the small but very weighty arguments and facts. In this you are also willing to agree, because you love these proceedings. Profession oblige.

So. One person, another person, provides valuable and highly (in the opinion giver) useful, practical advice, which should in turn – to solve the problem or need, or to change the course of his life for the better. It is good that one person, whether himself or by counsel of his relatives, yet understands that he needs some help and support. This, one might say, professional instruction. Well. It is commendable and the fact that there are people on planet Earth bogged down in various nefarious deeds, such as violence in all its manifestations, murder robbery, and other atrocities, including war and so on. Here are the most sincere people who want to help the suffering in this crazy world, sometimes do not realize that the very zeal and sincerity oh how little! Here's why. The first reason: Throughout human history had so many philosophies and teachings that they can easily get confused. Lancome may help you with your research.

But the saddest thing is that in our time are constantly changing techniques – to educate children so that was a couple of years – none – were wrong, you need to – so – and as always … Then we can beat them for educational purposes, then no, it is possible to allow all, then keep a tight mittens. How can that be?? Reason number 2. We have already mentioned that the philosophies and techniques, as the authors themselves, just a dime a dozen. Which one is right?? but can someone teach wrong? If everything is right, then not be better for people, their (teaching), lead to common denominator, making available to people as a whole, and for those who use them in their work. Continue to learn more with: 660 Fifth Ave. History shows that even mathematics is reduced to one textbook, or biology. Why? because after 1000 years, and 2×2 = 4, not 20 and not 1. What is not boasts a field of psychology. While people and 1,000 years ago were the same people with the same desires and needs. Is that nebylo: machines and computers, and mobile. Now a third, perhaps most important reason! go for it. Man gives advice, urging appropriate methods, it is one that neither is the best option for the patient in his situation. That may be true, actually. Suppose. And that's bad luck. the patient asks, and you tasted in my life to use all the advice that I offer, and like me, who come to you for advice? If so, show how these practical and useful tips brought to you in life practical use? your life become better, doctor? *********** That's how it turns out, we teach, give advice, say the word, and you looked … Councils, as well as words are just letters or sounds … Teaching others, we ourselves do as the man. We give advice on how to do to example, a family closer, and themselves with even greater problems. And they themselves have to change your life. And sometimes just do not have a family. So please be careful in how you teach and on what basis.

MUC Memory

I am the conscience of the intrahistricos parameters (contained in the memory) and extrapsychic. Without I would not have the conscience of the space-secular parameters and the reality of the world that I am (intrapsquico) and where we are (extrapsychic); without I as and an eternity would not have the lesser difference. The historical memory is divided in: memory of continuous use (MUC) and memory existence (ME). The performance of the phenomenon RAM automatic register of the memory produces a spontaneous and inevitable process of formation of intrapsquica history. We need to prevent that thoughts and terrifying images you are created in the MUC and ME, therefore the constant reading of these thoughts it generates anxiety and it distresses and phenomenon RAM has preference for privileged registering the experiences that have more tension. In such a way a vicious and harmful cycle appears the psychic health. In the clandestine and unconscious environment of the embroidery frames of the mind, ' ' eu' ' it learns one of finest, complex and sophisticated paradoxes of the intelligence, that is to learn the psicodinmicos ways quiet ' ' inconscientes' ' of the reading of intrapsquica history and the management of the processes of construction of the thoughts.

I can organize and only manage the process of construction of the thoughts, and the too much processes of construction of intelligence, if it paradoxicalally to learn to read ' ' inconscientemente' ' intrapsquica history and to also produce, ' ' inconscientemente' ' , the psicodinmicas chains of the matrices of thoughts. I, to if acquiring knowledge of the chains of thoughts produced unconsciously for the phenomenon of the autochecagem of the memory and for the phenomenon of autofluxo, interrupt or continue these chains. The continuation of the construction of these chains is also a form quiet and important to learn if to organize and to develop the management of the processes of construction of the thoughts.

High-Achieving Pupil

The superendowed pupil is curious, inquisidor, unstable e, for times, irritated and aggressive, demanding very of the person of the professor. Nor always it (the professor) psychologically is prepared to face it e, therefore, feels itself unsafe, inferiorizado and pursued, inasmuch as that one is the pupil who knows more, that makes difficult questions and that it shakes its status to know and of authority. Many professors compete with its superendowed pupils and they do not admit that these last ones know what they more than or that they can have more creative or original ideas. 1.0Desenvolvimento Partner-Emotional of Superdotado In recent years is if perceiving a great concern in developing and programming practical pedagogical to take care of the pedagogical and cognitivas necessities of the carrying pupils of abilities special. Some studies (Horowitz, 1987; Roeper, 1982 cit. in Alencar & Fleith, 2001:2006), show that the emotional characteristics of the superendowed ones do not occur more quickly or precociously of what of the other children; it occurs of form differentiated in terms of styles and learning, creativity, interests and traces of personality. Add to your understanding with Jorge Perez.

Among them, we detach: (a) Idealismo justice sense, that if it reflects in the concern of the superendowed child and to hug causes that promote equalities social; (b) perfeccionismo, Express for the auto-imposition of high, rigid standards of performance e, many times, irrealistas; (c) high level of involved energy in the accomplishment of activities; (d) perseverance, involving great concentration in activities of interest and the accomplishment of obstacles. The lack of tunning between its emotional, social, cognitivas and educational necessities and the conditions offered for the society can unchain, in the superendowed interpersonal conflicts intra and. 5,0 Paper of the Psychologist the psychologist has a very important paper, however little explored in this process of the inclusion and exclusion of the superendowed one in the social and educational context. The implementation of techniques of psychological aconselhamento, as well as of strategies of intervention next to the pupil, to the professor, the family and the community are some practise of them to be developed for the pertaining to school psychologist in the superendowment area. In the school, practical pedagogical they must take in consideration strategies of differentiation and modification the regular resume with sights to adjust the learning process ace necessities and characteristics of the pupils, and special of the talentosos superendowed ones and. Models of learning, strong areas of interest and points the pupils are words keys for the good development in this process. Moreover, the psychologist could still contribute in the professional orientation of these pupils, especially those that, in function of abilities and diverse interests (multipotentiality), have difficulty in choosing a career.