He who knows does not really need to think, you know. and No wonder that the mind is not conscious of our own body? and No one is struck to develop a cancer in a body whose mind is ignorant? It seems so natural. For the rationalization makes everything we do "natural" This happens precisely because the mind does not dwell body. This mind-body dichotomy is that which allows us to see that we are part of a larger whole, which are part of something bigger. Our relationship with space is modified from the moment we experience to be part of it. Nothing seems magical thinking is not within us, conceals more than it shows, and what it shows is to hide what it is. The thought that took possession of our being has created a fiction, an illusion of reality hidden from us. In the selection and development of this mode of evolution have given the best part of us.
To have and to have hidden being, life itself has become a means to an end only in death. From this it follows that before analyzing the spatial components that make catalysts or inhibitors of human development is necessary to understand the "heart and soul" space-time unit and body-mind. Please visit Daryl Katz, Edmonton Alberta if you seek more information. The human interprets the world in his image and likeness Nothing we experience is foreign to our constitution. We share with the world their own components. All external event internal experience with the natural chemical processes of human physiology. Chemical reactions are those that can be made.