Its voice is melodiosa and its I sing, as in the Greek original, is capable to bewitch to they hear that it, dragging them in its direction, until the deep one of the river, lakes, igaraps); the Curupira (a boy of approximately seven years, with the body covered of long for and having the turned feet stops backwards); the Boto (is great the magic one of the rivers, that changedding themselves into a youngster, all dress of white and carrying a hat – that it is for hiding the puncture in the high one of the head, for where breathe – it covers the marginal villages and towns, frequents the parties and it seduces the young women, almost always engravidando them); the Matintaperera (it appears as assombrao or visagem that scares the people and can until provoking it to them death, also speak that she is a woman who turns passarinho whistler, or still, one duende, matintaperera comes in tobacco search) and great Cobra (it is a giant snake that if rolls in the people until killing, is one of myths oldest). ACTION OF LANGUAGE, TEXT AND CONTEXT Following the Vygotskiano positioning, the interacionismo partner-discursivo considers that the activity of language is a social activity, being able the action of language to be taken as part of this activity. In turn, the text notion cannot only be confused with the text notion as a structure without relation with the context. Vygotsky constructs a theory for return of the beginning of century XX from the questions that new science, Psychology, not yet obtained to explain, as for example, the conscience, what it differentiates the man of the animal. Its workmanship if locates enters the sociointeracionistas leaving of the beginning of that the interaction with the social environment, with the culture it goes to provide to the development and the learning of the citizen.