To speak of credit is to speak of confidence. The Bureau de Crdito of the United States is made up of three companies: Equifax, Experian and TransUnion, which generate each a puntaje, with the purpose of to describe the people and to define to them which is its level of credit. Edward Minskoff often expresses his thoughts on the topic. The specific report of credit and informs on the up-to-date and old payments, atrazados or paid fully. In addition it informs on balances of all the accounts. It informs on the public registry, embargoes, maintenance of his children, pending taxes of payment or additional bankruptcy, and other details.
If you do not have credit history I will indicate to you as you must construct an alternative credit: You must demonstrate that you have paid rent fully, the same, that the energy, the telephone, the gas, the cellular one, the insurance of the car or some similar cost. A good recommendation is that you must conserve checks of those payments, the same, that the receipts. In addition you must have the contract of rent to your name and to ask when it is necessary the letters to the companies of surely, tel, energy, gas, etc in order to construct perfectly well your alternative credit and to use them for the purchase of your property. Also you can apply to assured credit cards that the different banks must to your disposition or enter some account like coindebted. Thus you begin to construct your credit in the United States. If you already have credit I will do recommendations to you that I consider fundamental: Everything is based on putting much taken care of in the handling and the fulfillment of the different monthly payments that you must do of your accounts. 0.Si the payments in time and you are not late in your payments you are acquiring a good credit. 0.Si you have yourself slow in some payment, you must ponerte to the day and from there, to maintain permanently paid them.