Wall Cover In-house

So moisture can have nothing to the garden wall, should be protected with a cover made of bricks. Technically skilled can achieve this on their own. (tdx) Garden and ornamental walls must withstand year-round various environmental influences such as rain, Frost and heat. The mural Crown is the most exposed to wind and weather. It is therefore recommended to protect them separately by a special wall cover. So can be cast at the same time humidity and pollution from above against.

The experts of Rimini – building materials explain what opportunities there are to cover and what you should consider when choosing material. Frost resistance and durability are critical when choosing the wall cover. Because of this concrete, granite, steel and bricks in question come as cover versions generally. Concrete is the cheapest option, offers visually but limited design possibilities. Although offered colored concrete, the color is permanently stable but not in every case and can provide Years are fading.

Granite can as used on plane plate on the wall and is priced in the upper segment. Because of granite slabs, special mortar and sealing slurry must be used when laying, the fastening is also relatively expensive. Also plates need a special glue and when laying, ensure to keep a certain extension distance, know the experts of Rimini – building materials. To move a wall cover as the easiest way on their own, the experts recommend sound. He offers the greatest design freedom through a wide variety of shapes and colours. The monk-tile as a half-shell is very popular especially for a Mediterranean appearance of the wall. The sub shells are parallel aligned on the mortar bed and pasted over the lugs of the upper shell covering. The wall cover appears to be due to the brick and their laying like a tile roof and can be therefore suitable to the roof perfectly matched. More discreet but also Mediterranean seem the wallcopings Caperon”by Rimini building materials. The drip of the tiles protect the wall permanently and reliably against moisture and dirt. The stones are used together with a joint and can be tailored to precisely by means of a commercially available release cutting edge like any other sound product. Tiles are frost-resistant and extremely robust, thanks to these proven characteristics and their variation wealth brick not only on the roof are among the most popular roofing materials at all. Apply to cover the wall on their own: depending on the craftsmanship and personal preference, you will find the right tile for an individual and attractive wall coverage at Rimini – building materials. All offered products and installation instructions can be found in the Internet under: or see. Tanja EST

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