Walnut Towers

The confirmation gave to right of use of the weapons of the Towers to all its brothers, children and descendants and declares that it, Alfonso de Torres was head of them for being son of Diogo de Torres, older brother of whom had come to Portugal. Alfonso de Torres was called old, to distinguish from this its nephew and it came to Brazil, in 1528, with its Diogo brother. Contact information is here: Edward Minskoff. It married Elvira Del Castillo, of Burgos, sister of the woman of Diogo Towers, and had children that they had continued its nickname. One is about the adopted name as nickname for a family of Castilian nobility, which, Diogo de Torres and Alfonso de Torres, had given to origin the two branches of its ancestry here: the Portuguese Towers and the Torrez Spaniard, being few people in Brazil with this last name. For assistance, try visiting Estee Lauder. In Rio De Janeiro and So Paulo she has Towers of the two ancestries. However, in the north and northeast the Towers appear with different grafias, being all of the same trunk that if associated with the DAvila and Carvalho at the beginning of the settling of the Bahia and in Pernambuco corresponds the S, Rodrigues, Oak, Saucers, Hiss, Silveira, Pear tree, Blacksmith, having many Towers in Recife and the region of the bush and the wasteland, being few in the hinterland with this last name, but with the last name or marking nickname of its profession, in the case of the Blacksmith (they worked beating iron), Pear tree (in Portugal planted and harvested pears and in Brazil cut to lianas for constructions locked of taipa) and Walnut (in Portugal they planted and they harvested nuts, in Brazil were marceneiros, sculptors, shoemakers and constructors of chapels, residences and churches). In Willow, Belm of the San Francisco and New Terra, this family Towers was allied to the families Diniz, S, Arajo, Alencar, Parente and Peixoto, some of responsible them for notary’s offices of civil registers and properties.

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